[hider=character sheet skeleton] Name: Age: Occupation: Height: Weight: Appearance: Bio: (include their world view as well as physical history and any details about their personality you'd like to include) Natural Abilities: (Think COMPLETELY human. Any bonuses to strength, damage resistance, or even supernaturally good aim or intellect should come from your magic type or a specific spell) Equipment: (anything a pirate could have, except your own ship!) Magical Abilities: (for the power level here, I don't even want you to think superhero level. All spells and any general usage of magic uses mana, as a rule. In this way you have a sort of stamina bar. You're powerful in comparison to your average soldier. However, you couldn't take the entire deck of a British warship by yourself. At least, not yet. I would prefer specialization here. A pyromancer, or hydromancer perhaps? As opposed to a generic wizard who can cast fireball and shape water. A psychic, worshiper of a specific pantheon of gods, maybe even a demon summoner? Starting with imps and eventually contacting greater fiends of the deeper regions of hell. I could see a world in which a follower of Jesus could still choose a life of piracy, disagreeing with what the church of England interprets. It is up to you whether you want to balance your powers with cool downs or a physical cost, or definite limitations or drawbacks. Whatever you do, find a way to balance it! I'd love to see how creative you can get.)[/hider]