[b]Name[/b]: Cyrus [color=ff4500]"Osprey"[/color] Istell [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Species[/b]: Numan [b]Height/Weight[/b]: 5'10" - 168 lbs. [b]Sex/Gender[/b]: Cis Male [b]Appearance[/b]:[hider=Osprey][img]https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/character-anime-concept-short-male-with-gas-mask-post-apocalyptic-attire-waste-sheet-art_655090-1340554.jpg?w=740[/img] Hidden under his earmuffs, Cyrus has feathers adorning their ears. [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Cyrus is a very "dry" individual and his tone stays consistently flat and neutral when speaking. While he cares for others and is deeply opinionated, he struggles to convey that as others find him to be unsympathetic and overly-critical. Cyrus has tried to make allies and friends within the watchmen who maintain the walls, but very few have warmed up to his demeanor. This has led him to become very anti-social and let others come to him as opposed to the other way around. His closest friend gave him his nickname after seeing his feathered ears, which embarrasses him but he didn't fight the nickname spreading and now introduces himself as Osprey to new people. This friend would end up joining the V.E.T.s, and disappearing on a mission to scout out the ruins of Delta. [b]What Are You Looking For?[/b]: His Closest Friend, Hemlock, and the secrets of their disappearance. [b]Capabilities[/b]: [list][*]JOB//: Watchmen [*]COM-STYLE//: Rifle Combat [*]KINETIC//: Mind Magic [/list] [b]Magic Form(s)[/b]: Mind [list][*]Basic Kinesis ability: [i][color=ff4500]Short Range Telepathy[/color][/i] [list][*]Magic Stain: [i][color=ff5349]I Guess It Didn't Matter Anyways:[/color][/i] Cyrus's emotions don't last long in his head. No matter how angry you get him, he'll be calmed down in about 10 minutes. [/list] [*]First Spell: [i][color=ff4500]Minor Neural Enhancement[/color][/i] Cyrus mainly uses this to improve his eyesight and thus aim, but could also increase his memory retention, problem-solving skills, pain-tolerance, and other nervous system adjustments. [list][*]Magic Stain: [i][color=ff5349]I Can't Think With All This Noise:[/color][/i] Cyrus struggles to differentiate the source of sounds during combat. An ally on his left and a monster roaring on his right, he'll likely think the roar came from his teammate's direction and flee into the monster. He never fires in close-quarters to avoid fatal mistakes. [/list] [/list]