[Centre][H2][color=bc8dbf]Lord and lady Coswain[/color][/H2][/Centre] [Centre][H3][color=bc8dbf]About Dawn Haven[/color][/H3][/Centre] [color=bc8dbf]“Il be fine”[/color] Persephone said waving off an worry and returned down tightening up fur lined boots, durable leather to suit the Lunarian terrain, rocky, thick soles with metal studs. Lacking her saddle bags she only had uniform and what she was carrying, hopefully she could locate that stable master before this speech. She doubted the town Would be anything but crazy after the event. It was warm by Lunarian standards so she had left her fur coat behind in the room, not a foot of snow or walls of sleet and ice in your face. It was a good day. [color=6ecff6]“Il see what about, there has to be something to keep busy.”[/color] He was rather feeling… odd, no Major orders, this down had barely anything… The guards all answered to the Prince, his own men, so did the squires and so. Coswain did not know how many but suspected he had more than he was smart and knew exactly what he intended. He was sure their was much to learn about this place. Adonis was smart in his own way, he was not alive for being stupid, he felt this town had something about it worth paying attention to. She left the Inn, its door was rather broken and did not open as easily as it should. The dent in the middle was massive, blight born where considered a major threat for a reason, this one has dented thick hard wood door, not pretty but very much solid. Everything about this place was less refined but more solid and durable against the frontier. It was refreshing though, more honest…least on the surface. He leant back and thought he would make a plan first. First he had to work on finding this Sunni perhaps, maybe the blacksmith, he least ws said to be. Well normal? Yes. That was his plan. Taking a roundabout path Persephone walked past the lake shore, boots crunching on rocky gravel and saw. She was not sure what she saw, movement but then soon gone and vanished, there were many strange things and aquatic ones where stranger still. She had not got time to wonder when she followed a hooded figure, a woman by her shape to the marketplace and where the stables should be off that central point. The woman seemed intent on her business so left her be and ran a hand through her red hair, it was growing longer and wondered if she should bother cutting it shorter, given how she might have to merge with a more civilian lifestyle this winter. The hooded woman did make her a little curious, she was very much one who seemed to have a dangerous grace or some kind of small thing that alerted her mind. She was different, she was someone of note rather than a non threat. Her instinct was pretty good for this kind of thing especially since the endless night had uncomfortably magnified her abilities. There… He was not at the stable but saw a similar looking figure dart past to a another way, another building, perhaps they had a seperate home of some kind or other duties to durfull alongside the one she knew. Persephone was used to tracking people and had a fast eye as she moved purposefully following his most likely trail from signs and 20 some years experience. Another glimpse she kept her distance but confirmed he likely was her mark. She knocked raptly on the wooden door, waiting as she waited, buffing some missed dirt off a metal plate on her shoulder. waiting was boring but something she entirely used to. Persephone could definitely wait. [color=bc8dbf]“Hello. I'm looking for a stable master. Tarooo? Taru?”[/color] She called out and enquired politely and waited. … Coswain would wait a little; he left a note that he would be out and headed out, trusting his comrades to sort out thr border fort issue and went looking thr smithy or the construction site. [@The Muse][@The Savant][@AliceInRedHeels]