[color=fff200][b][h2][CENTER]Akira Yuzuki[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] There was a moment of quiet for Akira as he turned the gauntlets into motes of light, he thought that landing a ‘killing blow’ would be more difficult experience than this, perhaps it is simply the adrenaline getting to him or the fact he’s fighting a Nomu and not a real person. Regardless the fight was finally o- Time felt slow His eyes turned into shards while his eyes looked down. A monster much smaller than the one they have slain charged at him and left his arms and stomach cut, he can even see his leaking out from his body. His vision blurred, he cannot hear Mei and yet he held himself for one last attack. A spear was manifested, thrown as he fell but he didn’t fall into the ground. Arms catched his body, he felt the sudden displacement of his body. He felt his body slowly regain its strength as his senses slowly return to normal, so he was saved by Kazuma-san. His quirk was a life saver for these situations. [color=fff200][b]“Me invincible? You’re getting the wrong class rep.”[/b][/color] he jested as he covered his stomach and arm with barriers for pressure and stopping the bleeding. [b][color=fff200]“Nomu, is the new one dead?"[/color][/b] he asked his tone being clear that he can still fight. If he get confirmation that it is dead however he will immediately rush to Mei and look at his injuries. His face will contort in frustration. "I got complacent." he spoke as he called an ambulance using the Hawkspad. Afterwards he will kneel to her and remove her gauntlets. "I hope your auntie added a med kit on this." he asked as she scrolled the list clothes he recently got.