[table][row][right][color=92278f][h3][b]Yuu[/b][/h3][/color]Bjyerlfal City || Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory || Afternoon[/right][/row][cell]Yuu stood steadfast as he witnessed Sir Lopsalot responded with the same boundless energy as Jojo as he cracked an involuntary smile at the scene. He could only ponder on the type of friendship that would evolve from this newfound camaraderie as he briefly analyzed the little Buneary further. While an idea of the future formed in his head, his thoughts nor his gaze would linger on Clarissa's partner as his eyes drifted over to Vivi. In spite of Vivi failing to coax the Rotom out of the Pokedex, part of him was glad they had found another friend like them. There was a small chuckle emanating from Yuu as he eventually turned his gaze back to Clarissa as he lazily put a hand against his hip and nodded, [color=92278f]"Glad to have you aboard."[/color] There was warmth in his words in contrast to the steely demeanor he normally displayed; one of the few competent trainers from the lab had joined them and she also had Pokemon who'd get along with Jojo and Vivi. How could he not stop smiling? ... well, there was the Donphan in the room: the gyaru. Yuu wasn't blind or deaf to the fact that Snuggles scurried off somewhere into the factory, barking up a storm with Chloe in hot pursuit behind her. [i][color=92278f]"Careless,"[/color][/i] Yuu's smile begin to falter at her distinct lack of attention to her partner and what followed was ninja girl decidedly giving him a [i]lecture.[/i] Yuu couldn't help but scoff at her words, crossing his arms as she followed after her. He couldn't believe she was falling for that sickly, saccharine attitude Chloe had. [color=92278f][i]"How naive."[/i][/color] In the midst of Yuu stewing in his thoughts, he felt a small paw press against his face. Glancing to the side, he noticed Jojo frowning a little as the small Pokemon piped up, [color=firebrick]"Rio!"[/color] That sudden exclamation gave Yuu a bit of pause as he just stared at Jojo with a befuddled look on his face. Of course he had little time to muse on his partners reaction with Clarissa suggesting they pursue the duo to ensure their safety after the prior rescue. Honestly if they got hurt at that point it was sort of their fault due to Chloe not paying attention to her partner, but at the same time he'd sort of feel bad if something happened to the Snubbull. Yuu's eyes drifted in the direction they scampered off to as he relented, [color=92278f]"I suppose,"[/color] shallowly nodding as he followed right beside Clarissa. However he came to a stop as he glanced over at the Magnemite, Oleander was it, who was just floating in place. Cocking his head to the side, he waved off Clarissa, [color=92278f]"You go on ahead, just got to do something."[/color] As Oleander floated there, Yuu strode up to the Magnemite, putting a hand up and giving a small wave as he piped up, [color=92278f]"You seem rather... contemplative, and considering the circumstances I hardly blame you."[/color] As he said this, the purple-haired boy stared off in the direction where the rest of the group had headed off in. [color=92278f]"A couple of minutes ago you were fighting us and next we're supposedly 'buddy-buddy' after that all,"[/color] Yuu shrugged his arms, nonchalantly shaking his head as he shifted his gaze back to the magnetic Pokemon. [color=92278f]"The ninja girl isn't exactly the sharpest and you both might not even get along, but at the very least you should go after her and give her a chance."[/color] As Yuu finished his own line of thought, Jojo chimed in as well, following up with an encouraging, [color=firebrick]"Rio! Riri, riolu!"[/color] There was a twinkle in Jojo's eyes as he leaned towards the Magnemite after his excitable exchange and Yuu pursed his lips as he mused on his partner's reaction before returning his focus to the Magnemite. [color=92278f]"Maybe I'm wrong about what you're thinking, Ollie, but at the very least just see how things play out and raise your concerns with her if you don't feel compatible; after all, you both are partners now,"[/color] as he said this Yuu gestured forward, encouraging the Magnemite to follow after with Jojo enthusiastically doing the same. Whether or not Ollie followed, Yuu at the very least would. [hr] While Yuu was the last to arrive out of the group, he came to a pause the moment he entered into the room as he stood there, analyzing the scene before him, staring directly at the "Pikachu Dolls" Chloe was sifting through. While it was obvious to him what was going on, not so much for the others as Jojo hopped off the side of Yuu's arm and took a defensive pose, likely being on guard thanks to their aura capabilities. As for Vivi, they were originally glued to Clarissa's side, but the moment they floated through the door they seemingly began to investigate every nook and cranny, and proceeded to make peculiar static noises at some of the abandoned toys 'dolls'. Even Chloe and Sir Lopsalot were cautious, especially with the latter commenting on the dolls Chloe fancied. With a deft whiff of his hand Yuu produced a Potion from his bag and knelt down, patting Jojo on the head, prompting the emanation pokemon to briefly let down their guard and hold onto his partner's hand. [color=92278f]"Just a fair warning, this might sting a bit,"[/color] Yuu whispered, displaying the potion and waiting for some acknowledgement from his partner. When he felt the nod of Jojo's head, followed by some crooning, Yuu sprayed his partner with the potion straight away. He felt some twitches of his partners body when healing them up, but for the most part Jojo endured the stinging sensation and winced a bit. It wasn't long before Jojo was looking fighting fit, with Yuu tossing the empty potion back into the bag. Right, now the Pokemon they were handling now. Yuu's eyes shifted back to the red-eyed dolls, attempting to scan them over to determine what exactly he was looking at. While he was drifting between it being a Mimikyu or Shuppet, he ultimately settled on it being the former. Beyond determining the Pokemon they were dealing with, what he couldn't comprehend was how ignorant Chloe was acting, rummaging through the pikachu's without a care in the world. Their eyes were [i]red[/i] for gods sake, as well as staring at them! Letting out an exasperated sigh, Yuu looked down at Jojo and whispered, [color=92278f]"Keep your guard up, but don't make any sudden movements just yet."[/color] Following that he looked over at the psychic and nodded in agreement before coldly glaring at Chloe like a disappointment father. [color=92278f]"I think you hit the mark there Clarissa,"[/color] Yuu chimed in, taking a couple of steps forward towards Chloe as Jojo followed close behind, [color=92278f]"and that makes me think of one Pokemon in particular... one that decided to take the form of a Pikachu, or rather..."[/color] Yuu instantly crouched down beside Chloe with no fanfare as he whipped out the Pokedex and began scanning the dolls, utilizing it as a detector of sorts. [color=92278f]"Wears a rag to look like one; pretty cute behavior if you ask me, but that's besides the point. I believe the Pokemon we are potentially dealing with right now is a Mimikyu."[/color][/cell][cell][hider=Trainer Information || Yuu Nozomu][u]Pokémon [/u] Jojo the Riolu | Lvl 9 | [color=Green]Healthy[/color] [u]Pokédollars [/u] 000.005.000P [u]Inventory [/u] x5 Potion x15 Pokéballs [u]Interactions [/u] GM | [@Rune_Alchemist] Jill | [@XxFellsingxX] Chloe | [@Vertigo] Clarissa | [@Crusader Lord][/hider][/cell][/table]