[center][color=007236][h2]Jill Brookes[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][color=007236]Location:[/color] Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory [color=007236]Mentions:[/color] [@Savo] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Vertigo] [@Crusader Lord][hr] Oleander glanced over at Yuu as the boy approached, a hint of wariness in its single eye. It listened to his words without sound or movement, besides the slightest bobbing up and down in the air as it hovered, and once he'd finished, it made no response nor didn't expression change to signify that Yuu was correct in his assumptions. However, when the boy and his Pokemon went after the rest of the group, the magnemite did finally take this as its cue to follow and floated quietly yet quickly after them. After all, no matter its feelings towards these humans and their Pokemon, they didn't exactly want to be left behind. [hr] As Jill entered the doorway to the next room, the first thing she saw was Chloe... crouched next to a bunch of Pikachu plushies, which seemed to have made the other girl quite giddy. Right, Pikachu was quite a popular Pokemon if Jill recalled correctly. The few times her grandparents had taken her to a city, it wasn't uncommon to find the mouse Pokemon's likeness on a variety of advertisements and merchandise. She didn't really understand why, though. Sure, Pikachu was a cute Pokemon, but she didn't find them significantly cuter than a lot of other Pokemon. Regardless, Jill did approach Chloe, crouching down next to her to better look at the plushies. Aster, still twitching in her trainer's arms, scrunched up her nose at the toys, practically fixing one with a death glare. She [i]really[/i] didn't appreciate the way it was looking at her. When Clarissa and Yuu entered the room, Jill looked over her shoulder at them, tilting her head at Clarissa specifically. [color=007236]"Something... wrong?"[/color] she said. She then watch as Yuu walked over to them, crouching on the other side of Chloe and beginning to scan the plushie with his pokedex. According to him, one of the plushies was actually a Pokemon in disguise. While she was listening to him, however, she was not paying attention to Aster, who had taken that moment to slip out of her arms, approach one of the nearby plushie and proceeded to give it a good whack with tail-hand, attempting to send it flying, preferably at one or more of the other plushes. That would teach them to give her the stink eye!