Huggin had just administered the potion to Anand and the three were talking when Mal took one of the werewolf bullets and swallowed it, whole. Anand blinked at him as if the man had lost his mind. She stared in disbelief as he threw the gun at Huggin as if he had not just insulted him and then gave him a weapon to which he could get his very vengeance with. Huggin caught the gun, gave it an expert spin before he had it properly in his grip and watched as Mal tapped his forever, delivering a message of brutal finality. Shoot him, right between the eyes. Huggin looked to the gun for a moment before looking back at Mal and giving a stern nod. Sure, he did not like the man, and yes, he was probably going to enjoy it but now was not the time to linger on that. They had a battle at hand and Mal was obviously going to do something rash here in a moment. Huggin check the safety with a quick flick of her finger to see that it was already off. He cocked the gun, loading in a new bullet as he watched Mal. And just like that, Mal drew a weapon from the small of his back, commented on how he hated this part, and slit his own throat. Anand cried out as she reached for him to only have Huggin grab her wrist while he fiercely shook his head. Babd didn't move an inch, her black orbs watching his every move intently. She watched as black blood- no not blood, something else, crept along him like a slithering slime. Her hands tightened on her spear at the sight of her, her own magic flowing elegantly from the grip she held so tightly. The magic of her abysmal magic called out to the black ooze that now morphed into a new mask. They all watched as he then threw himself out of the window, Babd making a guttural hiss at the sight. Her and that man are going to have to have a very long, long talk. “Huggin,” she said, her voice morphing into a deep octave that seemed impossible for a woman of her stature. “It's time for war.” A dark grin marred her face, almost seeming to split it in two as her form began to change. The dark magic that had seeped from her palm pulsed out around her. She took a look at Huggin just before the magic make it impossible for her to see anything but black. Huggin tucked the gun to his pants leg and nodded. Within a breath, he was in his raven's form, taking to air and circling around the black orb where Babd stood. However, instead of the magic dissipating, it condensed. It found its place upon her body in the form of glistening black armor, a pair of gleaming huge black wings on her back. She began to walk towards the window, a wake of black smoke behind her. When she flapped her wings, the sounds of ravens and crows cawing could be heard, a chorus of battle. Huggin landed on her shoulder and she propelled herself off, the magic propelling her farther than a simple jump would have taken her. Wings spread wide, Babd took to the sky and rising high above the scene. Her magic condensed around her once more, morphing her shape into that of a giant raven, her and Huggin merged into one. Each flap of her wings were like the sound of thunder. Her head cocked to the side as she locked onto the sight below. She could see the wolf running circles about, barking about lies or something or another. However, what caught her attention was the damage he did to her ankle. So Macha had decided to settle for an avatar instead of growing herself. Perhaps it was because of the damage she had already taken. Babd was unsure, but that made this easier. They could go out without fear of killing her. Huggin concurred in her head and they took a dive down towards the avatar. Just before they collided with the giant, their forms split. Babd had her spear in her hands and Huggin, in his human form, was also armed with his own spear. With a war cry, they both drove their spears to either side of her shoulder and allowed the momentum of the fall to pull them down, dragging the spears along. Once their momentum ran out, she used her embedded spear to run back towards Huggin. They clasped arms and pushed off from the avatar. There was a spiral of black smoke from them as they merged once more into the giant raven and took to the sky again. Macha could feel whatever happened to the avatar. It was not as intense as it was if it were happening to her, but she could feel it upon her own self. So when the wolf barreled through her ankle, she cried out in pain and annoyance. She looked down at the wolf and she sneered at him. She moved her right arm to grab at him, only to remember that she no longer had that arm. That only brought more rage to her as she had to turn her body to grab at the wolf with her left hand, crossing over herself to do so. He spoke as if he knew her, calling her a child of lies, a queen of falsehood. She snarled at him, her voice rumbling the very ground they stood on. “Speak not of me as if you are knowing, fiend. Be gone from my city.” However, before she could grab at the man, she saw the familiar black magic of Babd. She growled in frustration at the sight, the little wolf forgotten. “Return Babd. This is not for you. I shall avenge my arm.” Be tried to grab at the raven as it came diving down at her in amazing speeds, to only have the two separate and drive their own spears into her shoulders and go along her back and chest. She cried out in rage and pain. “I have been wounded!” She screamed, her hand rising and the land answering her call. The ground before her shot up and morphed into a hand, grasping at the raven in an attempt to capture it. “You of all would understand the need for revenge! Allow me this!” In the meantime, Anand was left in the office alone. She had no rush. Between Babd, Huggin, and Mal she was sure Macha was going to be kept busy for quite a while. So she made sure to gather the appropriate ingredients needed for the spell. She could still feel the building rumbling from the battle outside and she was afraid that when she went to cast her magic, this building wouldn't survive. The only thing keeping it even standing was Babd's magic flowing through the circle but she would need the circle. So she made sure to pack as much of the arsenal as she could carry while storing the rest in the safe. She was sure she could probably dig the safe out and it should survive the crumbling of the building. She was sure to pack potions, ingredients, and anything that wouldn't survive in the safe on her person and then paused as her hands lingered on a net, the magic sparking from its thread. She thought of that thing Mal had turned into and how he wanted Huggin to shoot him after everything was done. She puckered her lips as she thought before she grabbed the net and tied it across herself. She felt she might need that later on. Eventually, Anand had all her ingredients and all the items she could carry strapped to her in bags and backpacks. She walked over to the circle and began to pour and place the ingredients into the circle. It's magic flared with each new item added into it. The magic flowed around her, the intensity building around her. For the first time Macha took her first steps in the avatar form, the building was solid as a rock. That was until Anand stepped into the circle and pulled a small knife from her back pocket. She pricked her finger and turned it so the blood dripped onto the circle. The magic flared and turned blood red. She closed her eyes before she spoke a spell in an ancient language. The magic swirled like a tidal wave before it crashed into her. She snapped her eyes closed and allowed the spell to take effect. Just as she has assumed, the building did not survive, however it wasn't because of Macha. It was because Anand now grew like Alice who had just eaten a piece of cake. The building crumbled down around her and she frowned at the sight. Good thing she prepared for that outcome. She sighed at the sight before turning her eyes onto Macha. “Enough Macha. Let us heal you and then we may all go looking for the one who harmed you.” Macha turned her angry eyes onto Anand and released a primal growl at the sight before she kicked out at her enlarged sister. Unlike Macha, Anand had made her form giant instead of an avatar. She let out a loud oof as the air was knocked out of her and she stumbled back a few steps. Damnit, that hurt.