Creatures such as this need not to sustain themselves through the use of devouring meat, vegetables, or other such trivial things. There were other feasts, darker meals to which should not be named in polite places. So, it was an odd feeling, but being creatures of flesh and blood, we would know a name for that sensation to which the Wolf began to suffer. It was a hidden heat, a spice, one which seemed to grow from the gut after putting a peppered meal down our gullets. It was a heat rising from below, to flush the face. It was a pepper’s oil lingering in our lips as second after second, the acidity of it began to tear through our systems. It was the Wolf’s Bane, we know that, Mal knows that, but the Wolf? Well, all he knew was that sensation was growing, flowing, searing at the back of his throat. That forward assault was halted upon the reaching out of the gigantic arm, and a backwards lunge scattered pebbles of concrete torn free by talon-like back paws. What did you do? The Wolf asked inside himself, but only in the dark there found that Mal was smiling knowingly. Though the call for battle could not allow for such a conversation to continue, and in truth one should expect the creature just to turn tail should they not? Yet, this city is where it was bound, neither by Mal or its own will. Something was here, and wherever the Wolf was, well that was its kingdom was it not? So yes, it does make sense that it had started this fight, fun as it was. It does make sense to a criminal’s lips to say that you pick a fight with the biggest baddest mofo there was to put fear behind your name. Though, enough of these thoughts, for what it boiled down to was this, the Wolf needed to end this fight quickly. Knew enough of that sensation to know that much. It’s smiling face tilted upwards towards the beast-giant-woman before him, nostrils flared, and golden eyes shown. A deep breath taken in, one with lungs that were used to howling, used to tracking, used to find blood, bone, and meat. It was there, perhaps not exactly dead center of the chest, just a little off to the side, but something was there. Something with those attributes that the Wolf knew. Something he could really sink his teeth into. The creature was a wild beast, but it was a wild beast of the most dangerous kind. It could think. It could problem solve. It would plan. Golden eyes shifted to this way to the left, and then to the right while keeping the giant form within the corner of his vision. One could almost see the gears within it moving, calculating, sorting through various options. The woman, dare it be called that when made out of such material? Had been careless. Stomping through the forest of the city. Had crushed various things, knocked over various devices, and the Wolf had no name for what a street light should be. It was merely a metal tree that had been knocked down. Yes, bigger claws are needed weren’t they? Over to it the beast that once was Mal darted. Pulling two large shards of steel from its trunk. Why not use the metal on a stop sign? Or even a street sign? What movies get wrong about those is those things are meant to bend if struck. Safety in case a car had a bit of an accident you see, but the Wolf knew that not. No, instead it could rightly smell the impurity in its fabrication. Could tell those things weren’t sufficient. This though? This would do. Armed with now two blades as long as its forearms, it grinned up at the intended victim. Well, grinned the best it could. Look now Fellow Traveler, look at that mask that covered the man's face. It sagged, all but began to drip, the poison sinking further into the system. Though with a snarl it seemed to harden again, the beast there on display redoubling its efforts to hold on. To maintain. To be here and now in this fight. Limb of leg went back, and pressed its claw into the ground to give a hard purchase in place. Like a runner at the start of the race, it was coiling its strength, it was plunging every bit of itself into that movement being held at bay. You could hear the talons digging down, sinking into the skin of the street. Without a starter pistol, or anyone saying go… the form became a blur of motion. Twenty feet. Ten feet. Five. One. Like a javelin the shattered, sheared, metal was thrown from his left hand. It cracked into the surface at least softening the intended projectile path of his own body, and like a knight with a lance, the right extended to drive a path for him. The world was swallowed for him, as he drove into it. Was it a pop, or an explosion? The Wolf wasn’t sure. All awareness was lost as it cut through concrete, dirt, tin, and other various materials the woman had used to construct this mockery of a body. One moment he was going forward… and then woomp. An impact of invisible force not only halted his journey, but with such force it threw him through the very rabbit hole to which it had carved upon striking. Back into the sunlight the Wolf was tossed, turning end over end skittering across the pavement like those pebbles he had torn free before. At last coming to a rest, it lifted its head up. Looked at the giant of a woman, and snarled as half of its face sloughed off like dead flesh. A wet plop upon the ground, as one golden eye, and one eye of oak now underneath, rolled back inside of its skull… and hit the ground with no small amount of impact. Blackness. The kind of black that was dark as its once ink colored form. The poison had indeed taken its toll as Mal had intended. One last set of words, perhaps the Wolf and Mal were more alike than at first thought. A muttered huff of blowing dust from nostrils. “Fuck…you…” Down but not out. The poison lingered in veins, or at least what could be considered as such within a creature. It’s chest rising, falling, small swirls of dust like gnome sized tornadoes looking for an ant version of Dorothy to take away.