At the kick at her chest, Anand straightened and reached out and grabbed a hold of Macha’s good arm. She pulled hard and Macha staggered a bit. With Anand using her true body, she had the full force and strength of her true self. Whereas Macha was more controlling a large suite of rubble and dirt, Anand was all too comfortable in her skin. She used that to her advantage now as she continued to pull back further and further, trying to either rip the arm off the avatar or pull Macha so far off her balance, she would stumble and fall. Macha pulled back from Anand in a struggle of strength, all the while, Babd was flying above and watching everything. Her eyes moved from one scene to the next and when Anand began to really pull on the avatar's arm, she began a deep dive. Just as before, her and Huggin split at the last second and drove their spears straight into the arm at the elbow. Macha released a loud cry of rage and pain at the sight. Both warriors ripped their spears through the arm, allowing the momentum of their dive and the force of gravity to pull them completely through the arm. However, they quickly found themselves under a falling arm after their spears completed their path. Huggin reached out for Babd but didn't find her there within his reach. His eyes widened and he looked around frantically with no luck. Babd was simply gone. Before the arm could crush him underneath it, he shifted to his raven form and flew out of the way. He looked around frantically but had to move away quickly as a very angry Macha raised a foot and tried to step on him. When the arm separated from Macha, Anand released it and quickly got to work on dismantling the avatar even more. She pulled a knife from her belt and drove it through the shoulder of the avatar and used her body mass to rip it down. It was not easy. This avatar was constructed of the city rubble and streets. Asphalt and concrete were not easy things to push through, no matter how large you were at the moment. She gave it a mighty twist when it was about collarbone level and reached into the new hole to grab ahold and rip a large chunk from the avatar. She threw the chunk to the side and pulled her knife free, getting it primed for another strike but before she could bring the knife down once again, the avatar completely crumbled under her grip. Babd, with her observant gaze, had noticed when the wolf had went to push through the chest of the avatar just to be pushed back in return and sent rolling head over feet on the cement. It took her no time to determine that he had indeed found Macha’s control center and where Huggin had allowed himself to fall from the arm, she had pushed off the arm with a burst of magic. She was a black bullet of smoke as she barreled towards the chest, her inky black magic forming a barrier in front of her as she drilled her way through. She couldn't see because of the black shield but she could sense it when her magic met Macha's and her ears popped painfully she pushed through with such ferocity. Her arms spread out to either side, ready to grab a hold of anything in her way. Surprise caught her in its grip as the first thing to hit her arms was Not Macha but instead an unconscious and very crispy vampire. No matter, she'll figure that out later in time. Then came the audible omf as her arms collided forcefully with Macha and swept her off her feet. There was another painful pop to her ears as they exited the bubble, thankfully finding the path that Mal has made previously because her own magic was all but extinguished from fight to get through the proactive bubble Macha had constructed. All three beings came tumbling out of the hole and landed on the ground, the avatar crumbling the moment Macha was removed from the core. Babd groaned and slowly pulled her spear out from under her, having landed painfully on it, thankfully not piercing herself in the process. Macha groaned lightly and when Babd looked at her, she could finally see the damage that caused her to lose control in the very beginning. Macha laid groaning on the ground, the right side of her body was burned badly, charred to almost the bone and her right arm was missing completely from right above the elbow and down. Her regal robes were in tatters and hung off her, half her face sweltered with blisters. Someone had lit her sister on fire or blasted her with some kind of powerful fire blast. Babd scrambled to Macha's side as Anand slowly reduced her size bit by bit until she was her regular size once more. It took her some time to finally scramble over the rumble that was once the avatar but she eventually came to stand next to her sisters, tears welling up in her eyes and her hands over her mouth at the sight of Macha. Huggin landed not far from them and squatted next to an unconscious Mal. He scanned the man over before giving a grunt of annoyance and picking him up. He carried the wolf over to the group and unceremoniously dropped him down before looking at Macha. “She'll be okay, we just need to get her a poti-” he began as he turned to where the office once stood but froze as he realized the office no longer existed. His shoulders visibly slumped before looking back at Babd and Anand. “What do we do?” Anand reached into one of the many bags she had on herself and dug around a moment before precuring a small potion. “I have some from the office but none of them will be strong enough for this. We're going to need a new circle and we're going to need some ingredients. She's too badly hurt.” she knelt down by Macha and began to feed her the potion. Macha's groans of pains slowly died and she fell into a restful sleep, her body slowly rejuvenating itself. Anand looked around at the disaster of the city and sighed. It's going to take a long time to clean this mess up and get the buildings back. She let out a loud groan as she sat down on the ground. This was turning into a huge mess and there's still the case of the man who had hurt Macha as much as she was. She had called him mortal but no mortal should have been able to hurt her like that. She ran a hand over her face. This is turning into quite the day, night, whatever. Huggin crouched over Mal and pulled the gun from his pants waist. He tried not to show the smile that wanted to crack his face as he put the barrel right between his eyes. Babd looked up at him, her eyes narrowing at him at the sight. “What are you doing?” She asked. “He said to shoot him after everything was good and done with. I'm just listening to his instructions.” Babd rolled her eyes as she reached for the gun. “We all know he meant if the wolf thing was still out and about. Does that look like he's still the wolf?” She said as she gestured with her hand. Huggin didn't look at her as if him not paying attention to her logic would keep him from having to accept it as truth. However, before he could pull the trigger, Anand grabbed the gun from him. “Enough.” She said before setting the gun on then other side of her, away from Huggin. "Enough."