[@amorphical] I'll try to work on a town map. Population is probably only 100 or so. I'll work on a list of buildings - it's mostly residential and the few shops that they have at the town center. The Inn, herb shop, post office, blacksmith, stables... I think that might be it so far? No job board, it's only the Prince directing people where to go currently. The leader is only Flynn right now lol People would be directing Marcon to speak with him. I did want to say that Flynn wouldn't have had the Inn constructed poorly though lol Its an important building and one of the first to be built. Things aren't being rushed haphazardly like that, which is why they are still in the midst of building homes, etc. He's not wrong to speculate on why the door is missing though hahah The security is somewhat heavy as the guards Flynn brought from Aurelia make up a lot of the NPC population, but many of them are young as there's no way the King would allow him to take his best and most seasoned men haha And Marcons view of that gate is probably right - I see it being barely there as well. Something they'll need to fix. Flynn will be glad to have Marcons assistance for sure! Flynn is on his way to the tavern now to speak with Olivia, so he could stop to talk to Marcon once he's finished talking to her.