While Mal and Macha rested, the rest tried to gather a battle plan on how to salvage what was left of their home. The sun had set a good while ago and they were left to ponder under the light of a full moon. Anand continued to feed Macha another health potion any time she took notice that the previous one had worn off. By that time, the blisters along her sister's face had all but disappeared and her right side was slowly trying to patch itself back together. Anand took a count of her potions and gave a small sigh as she set her bag down in front of her. “We have two potions left. We're going to have to find a safe place to store Macha for the time being while we try and find the ingredients to make a new circle.” She groaned at the thought of their office being destroyed. She had spent months on that circle. It was so detailed and intricate. It would take her just as long replicating it again when they finally find a new place for their office. She rubbed at her eyes with a deep sigh. It took them so long to make a home here in this city of glass and steel. Do you have any idea how long it takes to equalize the magic necessary to cast the spells that her circle was able to cast? These humans and their monstrosities of cities sent the whole magic equilibrium off to such a degree, her office was a safe haven for anything magical that may have been drained from being in the mess they call a city for too long. And now, it was gone. All of it, just gone. Poof. Years of work. Months of carving and magic casting. It almost made her want to cry. However, she was brought out of her brooding when she heard a groan, but not from Macha. All three people stopped everything that they were doing and looked over at the vampire Babd had pulled from the center of the avatar. The creature was still limbless but he was now conscious and was trying to move. Babd moved quickly and closed the gap between them with three solid steps, her spear appearing in her hands within a moment. She pointed its head at the man's throat as she glared down at him with a sneer. The vampire froze then, staring up at her in horror. Imagine for a moment, being this vampire. You were living out your day, a nice, calm, normal day when suddenly a man you had never seen before in your life decided to attack you. He promptly chopped off every single one of your limbs and then lit you on fire. The next thing you know, you're waking up to find yourself face to angry face with one of the three rulers of the city, a spear shining just under your chin. Confusion would not begin to cover it. The vampire stuttered and tried to squirm away from the spear but found that his limbs were still not available to him. “Please,” he begged, his eyes staring up into Babd's eyes as if he could portray just how absolutely pathetic and helpless he was with that gaze. “Please, I didn't do anything! I swear.” Anand looked from the vampire to Babd and then back to the vampire again before she stood up and dusted her hands off on her jeans. “Well, you heard the man. He didn't do anything. So Babd, removed the spear if you would.” Babd looked to Anand for a moment, contemplating if following her instructions were the best choice before she pulled the spear away from the vampire. However, she didn't put it away. She kept it firmly pressed to her chest as she watched, ready to strike when the need called for it. Anand walked over to the vampire and squatted next to him, giving her hand a small wave. Her gentle magic pulsed out and the gravel and rubble under the man shifted him around and formed a seat for him so that he was no longer on his back, staring up at them with no chance of looking around him properly. The vampire grunted at the discomfort for a moment before the spell settled then found himself in a rather comfortable position, despite the fact that his seat was made of stone, asphalt, and remains of buildings. “Thank you,” he said as he took a look around the the ruins about them. He wasn't sure what had happened but the rulers of the city were there, aggressive, and ready for a fight. He imagined it wasn't anything good. Then his eyes fell on Macha and her burned side and his breath caught in his throat. It had to be the hunter who burned him. There was no question in his mind about it. The man seemed to like burning things. Hell, the hunter burned him almost to death and he said he would come and do it again and again. Macha must have been injured by that hunter somehow. The vampire didn't leave his eyes on the injured Macha for long, afraid to offend the other two. He instead looked to Babd who was leaning against her spear, watching his every move. “Did you kill him?” The vampire asked and Babd narrowed her eyes in confusion at him. “Who?” She asked, her magic flaring around her a moment, causing the vampire's voice to catch in his throat at the sight. “I meant no disrespect Lady Morrigan! I was simply speaking about the hunter that attacked me and most likely attacked Macha as well. Please, I meant no disrespect!” The magic around Babd died down slightly and she turned her eyes onto Anand who had her eyes cast down to the ground in thought, her thumb between her teeth. Babd knew that look all too well and didn't say anything as Anand thought hard about the information they were just provided. “This hunter,” she began before she looked to Macha, the scenes from before playing in her head like a movie film, “was he mortal?” The vampire nodded enthusiastically, happy to provide any kind of service to his queens so as to keep his head planted firmly on his shoulders. “Yes! Human, I would think.” He answered. Anand stood up and slowly began to pace back and forth in front of the vampire, her eyes having a light glow of magic that danced behind those glistening irises. She was deep in thought, contemplating the problem that they would have if it got out that a human had harmed them so severely. If humans learned that they could do so much damage, it would only be a matter of time before those humans who had always had a problem with them and the mystical population rose up and revolted. They had always squashed the human rebellions easily. Humans are just that, human. They are mortal. They can't possibly hope to stand up to her and her sisters, especially if they all merged and formed The Phantom Queen. However, here now was the proof that a human could do that. And not only stand up against them but severely injure one of them. Without Macha at her full, healthy self, they could not hope to take their merged form. They were limited in their power, despite how powerful it was. She cursed inwardly as she gnawed her nail down to the bed. This was bad. This could be bad. They had to perform some serious damage control. She looked to the vampire then looked to Babd and in that moment, there was a silent understanding made. There could be no witnesses to Macha's damage. Not a single word could be let loose upon the city's population. Babd raised an eyebrow before shrugging lightly and straightening to her full height. She spun her spear about once, stepping up to the vampire. She placed a gentle hand on the top of his head. “Thank you for your assistance.” And with that, she plunged the spear through the vampire's heart. A gurgle escaped the vampire as he stared up at her in disbelief. She ripped her spear free and then with a swift swipe, the top of the makeshift chair and the vampire's head went falling back. She gave her spear a swift flick and the blood splattered to the ground, leaving her spear once more smear free. Huggin remained in the back, watching the scene before him. His eyes moved from between Anand, Babd, and the vampire while the conversation took place. He wasn't surprised when the sisters decided it was best for the vampire to meet his end there. He would have done it himself if they had not. Macha was in far too weak of a state for anyone to know what had happened. Speaking of Macha, he turned to look at her, a pained groan escaping her parted lips, they needed to get her somewhere safe. Anand heard Macha's groan and quickly rushed to her side, snatching up the bag she had placed on the ground earlier. She pulled one of the last two healing potions out and gave it to her. Babd watched her before she sighed. “What do we do now? If we're going around killing people for seeing Macha like this, than we need to move her, now.” “I know!” Anand said, her voice rising a bit in irritation and a hint of panic. “I just don't have the power of earth that Macha has. I can't just sink us into the ground like she does.” Babd allowed her eyebrows to rise at the sudden outburst from her sister. It was growing quite clear that anxiety and worry was getting to Anand now. Babd and Huggin shared a look just as Mal began to wake up. Huggin looked down to see Mal had grabbed then released his ankle. He sneered lightly before taking a step to the side, away from Mal. Great, the wolf was waking up. Huggin regretted not taking the chance to put a bullet between the man's eyes but Anand felt it wasn't necessary and she had taken the gun away from him. His chance was lost and now the thing was waking up. Huggin huffed as he turned his eyes back on the women ahead of him, as if ignoring the wolf would just make it go away. When Mal sat up and asked if it was over, Babd looked to him and gave a small smile. She spun her spear around behind her back and stepped up towards him as he stood, her shorter frame bringing her head only to his abdomen. She looked up at him before her smile grew and she gave a small laugh. “For now. Good fighting wolf. I saw you in there. Not too bad, if I do say so myself.” Huggin huffed and rolled his eyes, Babd turning her mischievous eyes on the man. “Oh come now Huggin, even you have to admit, if it wasn't for him finding the path to Macha so quickly, this fight would have gone on much longer.” Hugging just shook his head. When Mal thanked him for not killing him, Huggin just narrowed his eyes and gave a loud huff of annoyance. “Don't thank me. I didn't have a choice. You should be thanking Anand over there,” he said as he gestured with his chin towards the motherly magic user who was tolling over Macha frantically. “She wouldn't let me shoot you.” When Mal made a comment on what could have hurt Macha, Anand paused and looked at him, her eyes a glow with magic that ticked like a clock. “Breath shells?” She questioned, ignoring the hunter part. They had already established that it was a hunter through the vampire. However, the breath shells was new to her. She didn't know what that was but she was most surely going to find out. Her magic pulsed out and she waved her hand in front of her face, runes forming in the air before her. The runes condensed into what looked like a long screen. She slid her fingers along it and it acted like a touch screen, reacting to her touch and flashing images and videos before her. Eventually, the images of Dragon's Breath shotgun shells settled before her and she examined them intently, trying to find out if it was simply a mortal item or if she would have to dig into her sister to repair some kind of magic damage. As Anand worked, Babd had stepped away from Mal once more and was watching over her sister's shoulder at the different images that flashed across the magical screen. She frowned at the sight of the shotgun shells before looking at Macha on the ground. No wonder she was so wounded. That was quite the punch some mortal weapon seemed to have. After getting her fill of the pictures, she stepped away from Anand and began to spin her spear about her as a thousand different thoughts ran through her head. When Mal spoke about his shirt, using Odin's Proto-Norse name, Huggin stiffened and he locked a gaze on Mal so intense, he could bore a hole into steel if his eyes could produce heat. The wolf could joke, he could make comments about Huggin all he wanted, but the raven made the choice right then and there, if for any reason he had to die, Huggin would be the one to bring forth the finishing blow. To hear his old master's name come from the wolf's mouth, and so flawlessly, Huggin had to tighten his hands on his spear to keep from lashing out at the wolf in that very moment. Perhaps that was just a coincidence that the shirt producers had used Odin's name in such a manner. Perhaps not. Either way, the word caused Huggin's grip to grow so tight, the spear creaked in protest and his knuckles were white. Somehow the spear did not snap in his grip and he finally turned his eyes from Mal onto Babd who was pacing in front of them, her spear spinning in a deadly circle around her as she thought. Anand sighed and stood up. “I'm going to carve a circle around Macha.” Babd stopped spinning her spear and only watched as her sister moved her things close to Macha before she began walking around her in a circle, the familiar glow of her magic developing an intricate design on the ground below her feet. “I don't have much magic left right now. So you have,” she paused a moment to look up at the moon before she continued her steps and speaking, “about three hours before I'm tapped out. By that time, we will need to find a real suitable place for Macha to heal.” The circle under Macha grew more and more intricate as Anand stepped more and more briskly. “Babd, Huggin, you know what to do.” When Mal asked what now, Babd looked from Anand and looked at him, her black eyes glistening in the moonlight. “We hunt the hunter.”