[@RoseKnightJason] I've updated Beth's CS as per your suggestion, adding this part: [quote]When cast, a sanguine magic circle gradually expands outward from underneath her feet and those who're touched by said circle will feel their blood being drained out until they have no more to drain. It's functionally a hex-type spell and like all curses, it can be nullified or resisted. In this case, someone with enough physical endurance will be able to brute force through its effects.[/quote] Also moving the draft from the Interest Check to here for convenience. [hider=Erzsébet the Blood Witch] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FRljVB3.jpeg[/img] [h3][b][color=d62524]E[/color]RZSÉBET[/b][/h3] [b][i][color=d62524]S[/color]ANGUINEUS [color=d62524]M[/color]ALEFICARUM[/i][/b] [b]Chronologically ambiguous, physically early teens | Female | 144cm (4'9") | 30kg (66lbs)[/b] [/center] [indent][hider=Theme] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/Twjy1vQ9t90[/youtube][/center] [/hider] [color=d62524][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] [hider=Visual References][center]Profile [img]https://i.imgur.com/8ja8jRF.jpeg[/img][/center][/hider] [indent]A crown of pale golden locks framing a youthful visage adorned by a pair of teal emeralds set on a petite and slender body, Erzsébet superficially projects the image of a young girl just past the eve of adolescence. However, the facade is merely skin-deep as interacting with her on any capacity will reveal the baleful witch lurking underneath the veil of maidenly innocence. Alluding to the rumors of her ties to royalty, Erzsébet - or 'Elizabeth' when Anglicized - prefers to clad herself in fine dresses and apparel however they're obtained, looted from a harbor raid or forcefully stripped away from their previous wearer, it matters not. Due to the nature of her role within Captain Monroe's crew, these dresses are more often than not constantly soaked in blood, both fresh and dried. Tis' fine, she can always replace it after another raid. [/indent] [color=d62524][b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b][/color] [indent]Erzsébet's past is one muddled in conflicting rumors, hearsay, and myths. Some say she's a demon masquerading as a child, others claimed she's the daughter of the infamous Voivode of Wallachia, Vlad "Dracula" Tepes, but the most prevalent theory is that she's none other than Erzsébet Báthori the Blood Countess herself. After all, between her shared name, bloodcurdling haemomancy, and apparent agelessness, the signs are all there. Regardless, the Blood Witch in question never quite confirms, nor denies any of these rumors, and the powers she possesses are indispensable enough for the crew to accept or at the very least tolerate her presence. Besides, with figures such as the Sea Witch sailing around, having one of her 'kind' on your side is more a blessing than a curse. Speaking of the she-devils, the two witches seem to have history with one another. From Erzsébet's side, she appears to possess a sort of friendly rivalry with the dark-haired witch-captain. Peculiarly, the blonde often refers to Veronica as "that child" or "the upstart", suggesting that Beth is the senior of the two and once upon a time, she was also the more powerful. Regardless of the truth, the fact remains that as things stand, Veronica will overwhelm the shorter woman in a straight up witch-to-witch duel. Erzsébet, being a witch, unsurprisingly has a rock bottom opinion of the Church(es); Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox, they're all self-righteous fools no better, nay, [i]worse[/i] than the apostates they condemn. However, out of every members of the clergy out there, Beth has a seething hatred for one Bishop Gregor, an infamous knight of the Anglican Church. Merely mentioning his name would earn the speaker a death glare from the Blood Witch and to express support for the man would earn one a swift and extremely agonizing death via sudden exsanguination. Rumors abound that Gregor was the one responsible for Erzsébet's fall from one of the most powerful witches of the known world to merely a blood mage serving under a young pirate captain. It was said she narrowly avoided the knight's divine judgment, but left crippled afterwards, a mere shadow of her former self. No matter, she'll soon regain her might and exterminate these so-called men of the cloth, down to the last priest. As a person, though Erzsébet can rather convincingly put on the facade of a young girl she masquerades as, the figure behind the mask is a sadistic crone who ultimately serves no one but herself. She isn't fazed by death, nor torture, hell, she [i]enjoys[/i] them. In contrast, Beth has enough pragmatic intelligence to know that wanton sadism is ill-advised and to achieve greater purposes, allies are necessary. Thus, the Blood Witch deigns herself to serve Captain Monroe and reserves her streaks of cruelty to those the crew deem as 'acceptable victims': hostile pirates, the royal navy, raid victims, etc. [/indent] [color=d62524][b]NATURAL ABILITIES:[/b][/color] [indent]Erzsébet is well-versed in the study of the arcane. Though people may be able to cast spells, not all of these spellcasters possess the erudition required to know why magic functions the way it is; the inner workings of magic circuits, the flow of mana, and the patterns of ley lines, these are scholarly matters beyond the knowledge of most, including those who can otherwise cast spells by instinct or rudimentary knowledge. Erzsébet is also quite knowledgable about the human anatomy. She knows what makes people tick from head to toe and she uses this expertise both to mend and break. As a result, she can fulfill the role of a doctor as well as a torturer, ...and sometimes both simultaneously. She's a pretty good actress, able to put on various masks to fit the persona she's currently emulating. The blonde is perfectly aware of how she looks physically and has no qualms exploiting the bias for (or against) youthful innocence present in most people. [/indent] [color=d62524][b]MAGICAL ABILITIES:[/b][/color] [indent][b]Magic Type:[/b] Haemomancy (Blood Magic) [b]Basic Effects:[/b] Erzsébet's specialty lies in the manipulation and utilization of blood as spellcasting reagent. She wields blood as a more traditional mage would wield mana. For Beth, blood is mana and mana is blood, it matters not from where the blood flows; herself, enemies, allies, or the environment, she can extend her arcane strings onto them and wield them as if they're her limbs. For a magical discipline so narrowly focusing on a single essence, haemomancy is surprisingly quite versatile in its applications. The sanguineus maleficarum can use blood for offense, defense, and even support. It can cause bloodshed as well as heal them. As a catch, depriving a blood mage of the one reagent they almost exclusively use will leave them powerless. [b]Advanced Spells:[/b][indent] [color=d62524]❖[/color] [b]Crimson Conjuration:[/b] Erzsébet's most versatile ability. She utilizes blood to construct various objects from blood spikes, a wall of hardened blood, and even a literal bloodhound. She must exert concentration to move and manipulate these blood-based constructs, even if they're otherwise shaped like a living creature such as the aforementioned bloodhound. [color=d62524]❖[/color] [b]Scarlet Surgeon:[/b] Practically the direct opposite of Captain Monroe's Touch of Entropy power. She staunches bleeding, stitch wounds close, and mends your body. No, the process does [i]not[/i] look pretty at all, go to those clerical scum instead if you want one of those warm golden healing light. [color=d62524]❖[/color] [b]Excruciating Exsanguination:[/b] Erzsébet spins in place like a demented ballerina, grins madly, and cackles as she forcefully induces fatal hemorrhaging on multiple targets around her. When cast, a sanguine magic circle gradually expands outward from underneath her feet and those who're touched by said circle will feel their blood being drained out until they have no more to drain. It's functionally a hex-type spell and like all curses, it can be nullified or resisted. In this case, someone with enough physical endurance will be able to brute force through its effects. Some would call this spell a gross crime against nature, though she'd rather see it as... efficient. [color=d62524]❖[/color] [b]Titian Thrall:[/b] If one believes murdering others by profuse internal and external bleeding is revolting, then they certainly will be pleasantly surprised that the Blood Witch has something even [i]worse[/i] under her frilly sleeves. With her exsanguination spell, at the very least her victims will be granted a swift death, unlike the poor sod on the receiving end of this spell. Erzsébet manipulates a target's blood as figurative strings to directly control their physical actions much like a meat-puppet. The target is forced to watch as faculty over their own body is robbed from them, they'll be conscious as the sadistic puppetmistress compels them to kill their own friends and families, and they can only hope she'll grant them death once she's done with them, for truly, it'll be crueler to let them live after such an ordeal.[/indent] [/indent] [color=d62524][b]EQUIPMENT:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=d62524]❖[/color] Several vials of blood for spellcasting [color=d62524]❖[/color] A leather tome which doubles as both a spellbook and journal, enchanted to be waterproof [/indent] [color=d62524][b]TRIVIA:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=d62524]❖[/color] [b]Color Code[/b]: [color=d62524]d62524[/color] [color=d62524]❖[/color] Despite how cruel she may seem, Erzsébet isn't a true psychopath. She's capable of feeling empathy and affection for others, they're simply... buried under her hubris, pride, and bitter jadedness. Her past has taught her that the world preys on the weak and the strong rules, therefore she must be strong. Those who can't stand up for themselves simply mean they're weak and therefore prey. [/indent] [/indent] [/hider]