[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/k4FDSGt/Add-a-heading-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] ___________________________________________________________________________ Olivia Eye of the beholder 7am John had moved from the floor to the chair in the room putting his feet on the small table near the window after removing his boots. Even with Alex's snoring he still managed to find some way to fall asleep. Though in his dreams the creature from the carriage would stare into his soul with those ruby eyes surrounded by an empty void slowly pulling him closer... He heard her knocking from inside echoing his heart beat in a way the closer he got the faster the beat and the white hands reached for his throat he woke in a slight panic to the rapping of the door to the room. Giving a quick glance about to find his brother still asleep John rolled his eyes while getting to his feet. The mans heart still beating fast. Was it her? Was she... hungry still? Opening the door to see a man in royal guard garb. The worker downstairs had said this was the room for the Lady of Durnatel, who apparently had guests in her room. Not one to openly judge the royalty to their face he simply handed the scroll of summons to the man and left without question. John gave a long sigh and knew it wasnt for him. After the courier left he shut the door finding the message cut into the wooden door by the Lady of his domain, just a room number. It even smelled official, the parchment was soft, and the wax seal mean for her eyes only. He walked over and kicked his brother [color=8dc73f]"Wake up."[/color] His voice a low grumble. Sitting back in the chair by the window he put on his boots and left the room. Walking down the hall he figured it was his turn to tempt fate. John hoped she would still be human or even better still, asleep. Stopping before the door he tried to think of a prayer but nothing came to mind in the moment. He knocked. Olivia lay stretched out in the bed lounging in the scents left lingering in the room. All the while her mind ran scenario's of various situations. She wanted so badly for everything to go right yet with out some critical information of the prince or the local hierarchy she would have to tread lightly, for now. Her mind was paused by the unexpected knock at her door. Hoping it was her muse she pinned the sheets to her figure with one arm as she went to the door wearing just that and a half smile of hope. [color=662d91]"Yes?"[/color] Her heart sank a little after opening the door and seeing it was John. [color=8dc73f]"Forgive me this came to the other room, I assumed for you my lady."[/color] He handed over the scroll. With a awkward silence he left before she could invite him in or worse. She shut the door not wanting to traumatize him further. Softly she chewed on her own lower lip thinking on how this was going to read and her fingers slowly broke the seal and unrolled the parchment. [color=662d91]"A summons... Finally."[/color] She walked down the hall in her sheet to their room and opened the door. It was technically hers since she was paying for it so she felt no issue on the matter. "[color=662d91]Alex, John, I need my chest from the carriage brought to my room it is time. After which I will need you two to return with a note for Jaylen. I'll give you some coin and ensure you are provisioned before heading back home."[/color] Tearing herself from their room as she felt their eyes on the figure under the sheet and their emotions practically dripping from their pores Olivia left them before something more happened. The monster needed them to be rested and strong enough to travel more than food at the moment. She waited a while before the next knock at the door the two looked a little sweaty as they walked away from the chest. It was heavy as she dragged it inside and shut the door like some predator dragging wounded prey into its cave. She rummaged through the options and picked out a dark crimson dress with a shoulderless look. Even in her cursed form the corset trapping was still snug about her slender figure. The whole transformation took no less then an hours time and a little extra for her hair and the perfectly positioned clips and pins. The jeweled trapping of her gilded cage marking her as a prisoner of high society. With a heavy heart she still needed pen and parchment before dismissing the two brothers. Stepping out of her room as just Octavia she walked down the stairs feeling all eyes were on her. The dress giving no quarter for those trying to go around her with plates of food. The white haired woman descended the stairs in her dark red dress like some sort of aristocrat which she was of sorts. Her skin looked a little less pale as she forced herself to breathe bringing a flush of color to her cheeks. With her quick reflexes she gently gripped the arm of one of the servers, placing a few coins in her hand and whispering a simple instruction. Soon her was a corner table with only two chairs distanced from the rest of the regulars. If this prince was for whatever reason willing to have court proceedings in the local tavern there was no recourse to refuse. Octavia wondered if it was due to having no reception room build in this small boarder town. it was there back in a corner and facing the group in the morning rush she waited for him to come to her. Feeling like a spider in the center of a web, though hers or the princes only time would tell. For now with her perfume and makeup she felt more like a vase full of roses on display for the benefit of others just like every other time she was at court. Although the smell of food and the busy bustle and sound of all the people chewing was setting her nerves on edge. Looking at the white haired royal none would suspect as her demeanor was poised and calm like like a bird of prey surveying the landscape. The whole situation felt wrong from her years at court and knowing there was a certain expectation of decorum to these things. She was certain to find the reason which she suspected would be a simple one. It would play into her plans long term, Octavia hoped. Alex and John descended the stairs with the large chest and couldnt help but glance at their Lady in her royal attire. They both caught the look she gave and would return after getting the carriage ready to travel home. They didint know of what Octavia had in mind but hoped it would be civil. Finding a seat in the crowd and ordering some breakfast as they watched whatever she had planed to unfold. [hider=dress and hair] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d9/b1/9d/d9b19d194007175731dce7238fd2d04c.jpg[/img] [/hider] Mention: Anyone in the eye of the beholder. =) [@PrinceAlexus][@The Muse]