[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240524/86e79bc2959bc89d2b7fa7a65116c32c.png[/img][/center] [hr][sub]location: just outside of Dawnhaven[/sub] Ivor dug his heels into the earth, each step forward as he walked steady and strong; his quarry a sturdy pine that he chopped down throughout the night. Despite the tree's size, Ivor was confident that, under normal circumstances, he could probably cut it down in a few swings with his battleax. Were the inclinations strong enough he could have done so, but there was something worthwhile about taking the time to do a task. There was a rhythm to chopping at wood, a peace of mind came with it, as did some sense of normalcy of bygone days. Though Ivor could have felled it quickly, a hatchet is what he did bring and though it took some hours to complete, the twelve meter tall pine was his to turn into a door. Ivor thought there could probably be other uses for the wood, but first replacing the tavern door was his first priority. As the town’s gate came into view for a second day in a row, Ivor breathed out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t entirely sure if he could sweat anymore, whether it was the cold air around him or the lack of clothing on his upper body, he was unsure. One thing he was certain of though, despite his strength, hauling a tree this old and big was difficult work and he was grateful to not have wandered too far away this time. As Ivor traveled the road, he noted the many different footsteps along the ground, including what appeared to be multiple horse hooves and a set of carriage tracks. It seemed there were already a number of individuals up and about, as well as maybe some new arrivals. The guards that kept watch over the gate recognized the giant blight-born, but their mouths were still agape at the sheer size of the tree he dragged behind him. If there was any doubt as to how strong one of his kind could be, one would only need to gaze in his direction. Ivor dragged the pine all the way to the front doors of the Beholder, only letting the ropes slack around his shoulders once he made it close enough to the entrance. The new horses along with the carriage all but confirmed there were newcomers in his mind. Taking a look around him, Ivor noted the rather large trail he carved into the earth with the tree trunk. The giant scratched his head, figuring there was another project to work on after the door had been fixed. He spotted Kira as she was going through the markets, glad to see she made it back to town safely he gave a small wave. Not wanting to delay any longer, Ivor quickly set to work hacking into the trunk’s base. Doors were not an entirely unfamiliar thing to the tribesman, but making sure they fitted well was not in his list of good skills. Still the inn needed something that could withstand him, at least a little bit; perhaps a thicker door would be better this time. [hr][sub]mentions: Kira [@The Muse][/sub]