[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Early Morning[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya morning was busy. To say busy would be an understatement, chaos, pure organised chaos and Sya danced about the chaos like she was born to do so. The busy heart of the Inn was soon beating and Sya smiled softly when she paused feeling the energy of the place. It felt…Good. Healthy. Thanks to recent events the small tavern mistress had a bounce to her step and was easier going than before, the mood was not forced and reached her exposed large eye, visible for people to see more confidently. she heard bustle in the kitchen and the sounds of.. Becky. She wondered if they needed to rapidly work on a second kitchen as the Small one they had was not exactly a large affair. They really needed more space to work. [color=c4df9b]“I happen to be the keeper.”[/color] Sya said cheerfully coming over happened to be the server, she had to do as much work or more than everyone else and she was the one who also had to keep everyone safe, happy and drunk. Sya was short and sometimes you could not see her over the crowd, it was an hazzed of being Barely 5 foot. She returned with his drink and food, dropping softly a bowl of thick hot porridge, a side of thick brown bread and some salted meat. It was a meal that should keep a man fed and so given the harsh weather they faced at times. Looking at the grizzled old knight she made a look of thinking and paused for a second to answer his questions. [color=c4df9b]“Market is up the road, or ask for Sunni, he does alot of trading. As for work, have a talk with Prince, though if you're good, we have plans laid down to add 2 wings to the inn, basement, loading Docks and triple the capacity including a suite of rooms for myself. There's other buildings going up too. Thank you, we had a…incident last night. The Lunaris soldiers helped, the town guard seem to be blind or deaf.”[/color] Sya said as she did wonder why the town guard had not even seemed to check on the inn yet despite the damage to the door… She realised she was openly showing her Blight born traits but Sya had been inspired by a certain woman upstairs to do better, if she wanted to deserve Olivia she had to be the best she could. Sya left him to his meal and moved round bouncing on her feet, till she found herself in the kitchen. The kitchen smelled good, fresh bread and more, a time ago she would have watered at the mouth though Sya was now unable to do so, such food would make her feel il uncomfortable or violently ill, she had found her body had now got to point normal food was entirely hostile. Drinks where fine, wine even. But food, food no more. [color=c4df9b]“Becky, Becky” [/color]Sya reached out a small hand to pause her mid way, the woman had energy but Sya had to try and keep up with her! [color=c4df9b]“For one, due to a room. Relocation… we may be able to find you space. I have a smaller room with a balcony spare.”[/color] Sya said she could shift the two coach men to the Best, hand Becky the back room and get her out the basement. Her blush could not be stopped though at exactly how the room came available, nore the smile. [color=c4df9b]“Anyway” [/color]She said with more emphasis than needed, Sya doubted Becky cared who she slept with, she was already a reborn emberkin. [color=c4df9b]“This…is, I have to take your world for it, food draws no benefit for me.”[/color] Sya said and explained why she had not tried any of the food, it was not an insult just her changed nature. [color=c4df9b]“I thought I'd be closed till after the speech”[/color] Sya said as the place just got busy anyway, Dawn Haven just followed its own rules and did its own thing regardless of what you or anyone else wanted. [color=c4df9b]“give me a few minutes, I Have plans and we can talk on way,”[/color] Sya said as Becky clearly had an idea she needed more gold for. A trip down to her strong room and she had a heavy pouch securely on her person, her knife and for good measure one in her boot. Sya was used to living on the streets too long. Her return from the basement she headed back up noting Becky was a tidy sort. [color=c4df9b]“We can go to market, and il direct you to post office, Prince has a speech planned, we better do it sooner than later. I want to spend some time in the hot spring too beforehand.”[/color] Sya said as she had worked hard and taking part of the morning off was her privilege she earned. She did not bother with a cloak, the cold did not bother her and just wore her normal tavern dress though the design did not hide a red mark on her neck and shoulder she wore without shame. The only really necklace she even owned was a small hammer on a leather cord and hoped she could get more vibrant fabrics. [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.etsystatic.com/30351205/r/il/9853eb/3417190579/il_794xN.3417190579_blkb.jpg[/img] [/hider] Then of course Olivia had to make her heart practically stop when she came down dressed in red and black gown that was both fitted like a princess and floated out widely with skirts that softened and made it so very beautiful. Her brain decided to stop and blinked at the woman before it came back to thinking again. [color=c4df9b]“One moment.”[/color] Sya said to Becky, an idiot could tell Sya liked this woman. Her heart beat harder as she walked over unsure what to do or say but her kind made up before she could protest its own plans. Sya was plain and … she was not able to be this… this. To not ruin her makeup, Sya took Olivas hand and kissed it before holding it, a gesture that seemed to have started all this. Her big blue eye seemed to glow a little more with her stronger emotions and Could not hide surprise. [color=c4df9b]“You look, … wow“ [/color]Sya word had failed her and added. [color=c4df9b]“I feel I should not be next to you so beautifully, but I good luck, you'd not be so unless it was important. We can talk more when we have time.” [/color] Sya gave her a short peck for good luck, deciding that if the town wanted to gossip they could do it for something good rather than if she was a monster… Her self control only went so far, blight born instincts made her impulsive at times. [color=c4df9b]“One day I might be So…”[/color] Sya said idly as she caught self and mind slipped. It did it alot around Olivia… [color=c4df9b]“I'm off to the market and hot springs. Also, I am mistress, you are my… You get what you need, just ask and it will happen. If not, they answer to me. My lady.”[/color] Sya said with more surety to the end, if Olivia wanted to live here it would be her home and she would have all the courtesy of it. Their relationship was not exactly defined but she was more than a guest and Sya would treat her as such with all that she deserved. Her voice gained a small growl when she said that she would expect the staff to treat her with appropriate courtesy like they would Sya. Sya stood up, her My lady had a little more purr to it than was appropriate for normal nobility. Sya knew she was higher born, she could handle it, they could discuss it later as it seems she had important businesses to conduct. [color=c4df9b]“Grab a cloak Becky, let's find you some sugar before the whole town turns to madness. If you need some time?”[/color] Sya said with a more business like tone but could not quite hide her cheerful demeanour and fact she was rather much pleased with herself and proud. The loud sound outside was jarring, it wounded like a whole tree was being dragged I'm through the streets.. surely not. No one was strong ernough unless they had a whole team of cart horses. Unless... She glanced over but the Royal guard who had arrived and took a spot by bar eating did not seem concerned as yet so Sya was not. Really though it was jarring, whatever was moving or being moved must have been huge to generate such a noise and a low rumble as it did so. Maybe they where building a heavy palisade around the town and hauling in some thick hard woods to use? The town guard where numerous but feel safer with a solid barrier and if the Door incident was to go by the town guard reacted rather slowly. Too slowly. She would have to depend on the knight and his men at the Inn it seemed. Dawn Haven. Well this was Dawn Haven she thought. [b]Mentions[/b] [@SkeankySnack] Ivor [@amorphical] Becky, Olivia, Morcan