[@AliceInRedHeels] for now, yes. In my experience multiple characters tend to cause posting to drag. However, I'm thinking I'd like to allow players to play some witch hunters or British captains for certain sections. Sort of a "bad guy of the week," scenario. So there's options there. [@lexisheeps] Careful throwing too many concepts onto one character. I believe Alice was offering to be a more full time healer in her last post, plus like Izurich pointed out we each have healing spells already lol (though James can only heal himself) I say forego the healing if you're going pyromancer and just add in a little extra firepower, eh? [@Izurich] imagine James using his self healing, you activate your heal spell, and he just walks through an unlockable attack. If that doesn't get Veronica's men to question their faith who knows what will lmao Also, the limitations on your new power is perfect. Elizabeth is our first accepted character everyone! Please move her to the characters section