[CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/nwlscrD.png[/img][/CENTER][COLOR=gold][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][I]Jumphaven,[/I] - [I]New York[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Chapter One:[/b] [COLOR=darkgray][I]League of Their Own[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub] [center][color=gold][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=darkgray][I][@Omega Man] - Kid Cannonball | [@Crimson Flame] - Ice Beast | [@Silver Carrot] - Marauder [@Half Pint] - Orphan X | [@Polaris North] - Reactor [/I][/COLOR][/sub][/color][/center] Most of the meta-mutants that were going to answer the call seemed to have already made it to [url=https://imgur.com/isVqSUP]the T Tower in Jumphaven.[/url] Night Vision was nowhere to be seen despite being the one to arrange the meeting. Kid Cannonball was trying not to make himself too comfortable. He'd only been a member of the offshoot team, the Teen Titan X, for roughly a year. He'd never met Night Vision during that entire chapter of his life, or even been this far north (on purpose) for that matter. The last few months he'd only known his grandfather Nathaniel's apartment and lab. As a rule, KC kept the whole 'being a hero lost in time' thing to himself. The only one who knew his secret was Sparrow. Sam wasn't sure if she'd be at this gathering, or ANY of the Teen Titan X team for that matter. KC was at least somewhat familiar with Ice Beast and Marauder. And Sparrow always spoke good of Orphan. Then a familiar voice rang into the lobby area of the T Tower... "BOOYAH!" yelled the half man half alien machine [url=https://imgur.com/RAbOhSj]Gridlock, aka Vic Stone.[/url] The young hero had been on both the Titan X team as well as the Teen squad as a mentor to the younger heroes. Years ago Vic was just your average teenager with technopathy until a freak accident caused him to be merged with an alien machine. When Night Vision was still using the Sparrow alias, he and his girlfriend Darkbird contacted Vic and several others to form the original Titan X team. [u][i][b]Elsewhere in the T Tower...[/b][/i][/u] Night Vision was at the bedside of [url=https://imgur.com/Vgen1I2]Darkbird.[/url] Since her demon father Trigon was brought into this dimension she has been in some type of coma. In reality she was in a telepathic war with him, as he was once again trying to use her body as a vessel. You would've thought Raven Grey was having a nightmare, but it was far worse. Scott held her hand in his own. "Stay strong, Pretty Bird." he said quietly before getting his game face on. Night Vision could hear the team coming together with Vic getting louder by the minute. Gridlock had an auto-tuned voice and sounded exactly like you would expect him to. Night Vision came back to the lobby area and approached Vic, who was mid-story talking about the Teen Titan X's last battle against Doctor Pyro to the rest of the group. "...and then for some reason he thought if he could take out Sam's legs he wouldn't be able to fly." Vic continued before being approached for a handshake from his old teammate. "I don't think Doc Pyro went to medical school." Kid Cannonball commented in his southern tone. He sounded almost like the aloof Super Soldier after he was first unfrozen. Most of the time he didn't understand references to modern day things, similarly to 'Soldier. And that's when the T Tower was attacked. Eight feet tall and solid muscle, Mal Duncan stood to face what was left of the once great team after destroying the entrance to the lobby. The Herald of Cytorakk didn't crash through the door for nothing, but what was he here for? Who sent him? "TO ME, TITANS!" Night Vision yelled as the group formed around him.