[hider=Yuto] ~Basic~ Name: Yuto [hider=Appearance] [IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/ff/f5/f1fff5ea07840eaec5d329d60559a169.jpg[/IMG] Yuto stands at around 5'9", has black hair and his skin tones falls on the tanned side. His most prominent characteristic is the scar that divides his face and the smaller scars that cover his body. [/hider] Age: 180 Squad/Rank: Unseated Biography: Personality: History: A previous resident of the 75 District of Rokungai, Yuto's first memories are of a maddening need to survive, satisfy the hunger, and become free of the dangers inherent to the district he lived in. It was during this particular stage of his life that he learned many of the lessons that would mark him later as a shinigami, none of them good, but all of them useful to survive. Through sheer chance he did manage to join the academy where he was trained on all the proficiencies of a shinigami and despite possessing a complete lack of talent in Kido and the capacity to perceive spiritual energy he more than made up in impressive strength and unarmed combat, getting remarks from his teachers that it was purely thanks to these attributes that he graduated. Sadly his dreams of a cushy life were dashed the moment he was assigned to a (Eleventh) Division where he was nicknamed ‘Runt’ as the freshest recruit to join, eventually becoming something of an outcast, especially once the details of his shikai were known. There he is treated not only like a common soldier but as a busybody for his seniors. unexpectedly he has found himself fond of mindless physical labor. Goals: Squad Interests: Eleventh division Eighth Division Tenth Division Relationships: -Nakajima Ageha (Sparring Buddy): The one person he knows will try to kill him if they both are in the arena. Its great. -??? ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto Name: [color=9e0b0f]Aka[/color] Type: Power Kaigo: "Accumulate and explode, [color=9e0b0f]Aka[/color]" Zanpakuto Appearance:[List] [*]Basic Form: A simple Katana without decoration accompanied by a black sheath [*]Shikai form: A simple Katana without decoration accompanied by a red sheath [*][hider=Zanpakuto Spirit] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4c/9a/15/4c9a158254584496c0cfc90410517bcf.jpg[/img] The spirit is a man with red hair and a white mask clothed in black and red robes who seems constantly on edge[/hider] [*][hider=Inner World] [img]https://cdn.openart.ai/stable_diffusion/64480abd87932dde2b50f96696f9ba3d61f90242_2000x2000.webp[/img] A ruined District ablaze with the distant sounds of fighting never growing quiet[/hider][/List] Shikai Skills:[List] [*][b]Aka no Yukue:[/b] every time Aka is sheathed it starts to passively accumulate reiatsu within the sheath, which then allows the next attack to be launched at increased strength and speed. [i]Every post it fills 20% of its total capacity, every time the reiatsu is used it rests for 1 post before start gathering again, the boosting effect is based on Yuto base capabilities[/i] Techniques[List] [*][Guren Shou: An emergency technique, rather than waiting for energy to accumulate Yuto instead forces Reiatsu into the Sheath, filling it halfway, enough to realize one of the other two techniques or to launch an attack with increased strength and speed, however using it deactivates [b]Aka no Yukue[/b] for some time- 1 extra post before it starts accumulating energy again.] (cooldown of 5 posts] [*][Shukari: Yuto releases all accumulated energy in a single slash of red sharpened reiatsu.] (Cooldown of 3 posts) [*][Hi no Tobari: Yuto reabsorbs the energy accumulated, gaining a shield of red reiatsu that lasts a couple of seconds] (Cooldown of 2 posts) [/List][/List] ~Attributes~ Kido: [Novice (Abyssmal)] [None] Zanjutsu: [Average] [Hōzuri] Hakuda: [Good] [Tesshō] Hoho: [Average] [Shunpo] ~Points~ Saved: [0] Invested: [0] ~Other~ [Anything you’d like to add that the CS doesn’t cover] [/hider]