[hider=Asami] [center][color=Darkgreen][h2]Asami[/h2][/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/GmmTVP2k/downloadfile.jpg[/img][/center] Additions to Appearance: She stands at a whopping 5'2 and 110 lbs. Age: 230 Squad/Rank: Tenth, Unseated Biography: Not much can be said on her past as she chooses to ignore the things she's been through, trauma blocking it out. Coming from district 80 of the Rukongai district, she's definitely struggled through life since she came to be here. Her teachers would think that the only way she survived most of the brutality in that district is due to her pretty face and they would be right. While her face did offer advantages, it didn't mean much to most men there so she had to be quick and cunning to earn a place there and not be treated like vermin. Happy to leave that life behind her, she did take on a very cold persona while attending classes, which if anyone remembered her, would call her Ice Queen even though she's got a fiery temper and is fairly scrappy. She got the nickname because some random guy tried to confess he was in love with her but she responded very bluntly and disinterested by telling him, 'Good for you' and then just walking off like he didn't just try and confess his love to her. So to get back at her for her cruelty toward his confession, she became known as Ice Queen. Survival is all she knows and continues to display that as she comes off as not very friendly or very blunt to others which she uses to hide how she really is from others. Which would be that she's a sweet girl that's a hopeless romantic that loves small and cute things. She tends to be very combative with men that she finds to be idiotic and mostly very quiet and reserved around women and men she respects. Relationships: None yet but will hopefully be updated soon. Squad Interests: Second, Fifth, and Third Division ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto Name: Shadow Fox Type: Kido, Illusion Type Kaigo: "Hunt Shadow Fox" Zanpakuto Appearance: [hider=Basic:][img]https://i.postimg.cc/BZBMJ5Tj/7fca39748b9cf505598b0449db9560d1.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Shikai:] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/jSmhMMbF/d912e92d788095d1bc414c40d6dbbb01.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Zanpakuto Spirit:] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/CxBGnbqH/d0ac6399905d3af6c2d7e464013accf3.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Inner World:] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/h4JF0jRp/downloadfile-1.jpg[/img] An open field of tall grass with a flower path leading to a hill with a peach blossom tree sat atop.[/hider] Shikai Skills: 1. When summoning her shikai, she gains four kitsune tails which allow her to quickly dash across the battlefield and increases her Kido ability. It is also used defensively as well when she is in combat or mostly immobile and not running around. It protects her backside for one attack before she would need to react to protect herself while her tails would disappear for taking the brunt of the attack. *Duration: Instant, Cooldown for defensive ability is two posts* 2. "Feral Shadow Fox" - a Kido slash attack that does minimal damage, but affects someone with a random Illusion. Fear: Enemy runs away Love: A repeat of ability one (To increase duration or begin a new one) Hurt: The Kido slash reiatsu drains into the opponent and begins burning them from the inside. Betrayal: When a group is attacking and one person is hit with it, it will make them go to attack one of their comrades and just when they are about to strike the comrade, it wears off, wasting two opponents turns. *Duration: 1 post, Cooldown: 3 posts* 3. "Shadow Fox Clone" - She summons 3 clones of illusion that perfectly mimic her actions. Any {Direct} attack made against her will instead be automatically be taken by one of the clones and it will dissipate. *Duration: Until clones are gone, Cooldown: 5 Posts* Kido: [Good] Bakudo #1 Sai Bakudo #4 Hainawa Bakudo #8 Seki Bakudo #9 Geki Bakudo #11 Kyomon Hado #1 Sho Hado #31 Shakkaho Hado #33 Sokatsui Zanjutsu: [Average] Hōzuri Shitonegaeshi Hakuda: [Average] Tessho {Loves this ability} Hoho: [Good] Shunpo ~Points~ Saved: [How many Points do you have? 0] Invested: [How many points have you invested? 0] ~Other~ Because she is a secret romantic, she does love imagining people together so she has a little notebook that she carries with her of things she notices of romantic things between others. That means that, yes, she is the fanfiction writer. XD [/hider]