[hider=Floats Like A Butterfly][COLOR=dimgray][CENTER][sup][h1][center][img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/fQaY1XHZfowAAAAd/narumeia-narmaya.gif[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] P A P I Y O N[/color] [color=#C08ECB]P A P I Y O N[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup] [color=silver][sup][b]"The world is always better off with a little more kindness in it."[/b][/sup][/color][/CENTER][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T[/color] [color=#C08ECB]C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T[/color] [/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup][img]https://i.ibb.co/V9Gt6t7/Narmaya-narrower.jpg[/img] [/center][indent][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R D A T A[/color] [color=#C08ECB]C H A R A C T E R D A T A[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=silver][INDENT][sub][color=#C08ECB][b]True Self[/b][/color] Moriyama Chou - 森山蝶 [color=#C08ECB][b]Persona[/b][/color] Papiyon - パピ四 [color=#C08ECB][b]Pathos[/b][/color] Drox [color=#C08ECB][b]Role[/b][/color] DPS [color=#C08ECB][b]Weapon of Choice[/b][/color] Nagamaki [color=#C08ECB][b]Domains[/b][/color] Darkness Enhancement Illusion [color=#C08ECB][b]Playstyle & Attitude[/b][/color] Hypermobile evasive DPS, Unflappable Mom Friend™ [/sub] [/INDENT][/color][/cell][cell][INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] M O R I Y A M A C H O U: W H E R E F L O W E R S F L O U R I S H[/color] [color=#C08ECB]M O R I Y A M A C H O U: W H E R E F L O W E R S F L O U R I S H[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=silver][indent]Rikako, empress of the Moriyama business empire, loved flowers and butterflies. So it came as no surprise that her two twin daughters were named as such: the elder, Hanako; and the younger, Chou. The two were borderline inseparable through their younger years, all the way up through private high school, when Chou's life path was forever changed. With her parents as they were, a calm and mild temperament, and a manner of speech and bearing so polite as to be strange at times, it was taken for granted that she would attend university as well. Even if she was only in her first year of high school, she certainly had the grades for it, she loved learning. Though she never really had a subject in mind--business? That was most likely, but what about literature? Philosophy? Studying abroad, even? She never could quite think of one--it felt like the world was opening itself up before her, full of wonder and promise. And then Examination Hell began, and any desire Chou had of attaining higher education withered on the vine, burned to the roots. It was a nightmare. A pure nightmare. Her and her sister both barely functioning and yet required to, bags under their eyes, after coming back from yet more rounds of practice exams. Grades slipping from exhaustion. Locking themselves in night and day to keep cranking at exam booklets and textbooks ad nauseum. To Chou, it was like both enduring torture and watching a victim thereof, and in between rounds of bringing snacks up for herself and Hanako during long study nights [i](every night)[/i] and getting her own schoolwork done, she began to look further afield for a possible future. She wanted no part in this whatsoever. And during one of her brief searches, she came across a florist's shop nearby, owned by the elderly woman Satou-sama, who was in need of help to keep things running smoothly, and started working part time. And she fell in love. Her parents were...[i]frosty[/i] a year or so later, when she told them she didn't want to go to university, and she would be continuing her apprenticeship as a florist. [i]Very[/i] frosty. But after some cajoling (not quite [i]enough[/i], for what she was doing), they gave her the go-ahead, in a way that disturbed her [i]just[/i] a little bit for how easy it was. Still. Here was her chance to make her own life, and she took it. And so the years passed, and Chou found herself in a comfortable apprenticeship, as Satou-sama was aging more, and so more of the responsibility passed on to her young protégé. She has a comfortable, if quite small, apartment above that same florist's shop in familiar Kōriyama now, and a touch of disposable income that didn't come from her obscenely wealthy parents. And so just after dyeing a wisteria-purple streak into her hair, she started looking into something Hanako mentioned on one of their occasional chats: this crazy cool new VR game that she'd started playing called Pariah. Well, hey, couldn't hurt, right?[/indent][/COLOR] [INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] P A P I Y O N: D E A T H I N P I N K[/color] [color=#C08ECB]P A P I Y O N: D E A T H I N P I N K[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=silver][INDENT] That wisteria streak, now spread across her whole head, and a pair of kind, warm magenta-purple eyes. Papiyon could fairly accurately be described in appearance as the "typical" Japanese young lady thrown into a blender set to 'pink,' then dressed in a white and gold leather longcoat and gifted a very sharp weapon. But more important is what it does to her personality. Which is to say, it unleashes her most powerful nurturing urges. With her most prominent character trait being how kind and sweet she is as a matter of course, she's here to give her all in making people smile as much as she possibly can. And in protecting those smiles, as well. Of course, not so much literally, as she's quite far from a support, but more in the emotional sense. She seems to have a hurt-person-radar, and those that ping it best be prepared for the Mom Friend to descend. Both a newcomer to MMOs (and video games in general) and never one for super organized groups in any situation, Papiyon's never touched a guild, at least not up to now, and nor does she truly see the point. She prefers to meander around, either looking for and then sticking with pick up groups, or simply roaming and marveling at the incredibly rendered Pariah world. As of now, she's not managed to link up with Hanako at all, but that's all the better. University was stressful, she knew. Well. Small world. [/INDENT][/COLOR][/cell][/row][/table][hr][/COLOR] [hider=Spells & Spell-like Abilities] [color=#C08ECB][b][/b][/color] [color=#C08ECB][b]Lotus Petal Dance[/b][/color] Leveraging both her illusion and enhancement magics, Papiyon becomes as a phantom; as she dashes around enemies and strikes from unexpected angles, afterimages are left in her wake, causing no damage but confusing monsters and hostile players alike with the graceful movements; like dancing across a pond on water lilies on tiptoes. [color=#C08ECB][b]Butterfly Haze[/b][/color] With a sound like falling leaves, a cloud of phantasmal butterflies envelops the area around Papiyon as she melds into it. The rustling of a thousand tiny wings hides sound, and the flashing of countless colors distorts vision; and by the time you realize that she'd circled around behind you, it's already too late. [color=#C08ECB][b]Butterfly Flurry[/b][/color] A mesmerizing purple gleam envelops Papiyon's nagamaki, and attempts to block it seem to land on thin air as its position wavers like water, slipping past guards and through cracks in armor. [color=#C08ECB][b]Flittering Wing[/b][/color] You may think you have Papiyon pinned down and a surefire killing blow. You may think that you've escaped her, put enough distance between the two of you that she could never close the distance. In both cases, [i]you are very wrong.[/i] With no more than a breath's sigh and a flare of purple light, Papiyon blinks forwards and backwards, in and out. She can't use it more than once or twice sequentially, but being able to blink through an attack and end up right at her enemy's throat is powerful nonetheless. [color=#C08ECB][b]Painless Butterfly[/b][/color] The most powerful spell in Papiyon's arsenal, Painless Butterfly sees her close her eyes and sheath her sword as pink energy builds within, crawling up the sheath like butterflies swirling through the sky. All sound becomes muted and distant to her, and the world slows to a crawl. Then, in one fluid motion and with a sound like lightning, she unleashes a single clean stroke from her sheath, trailing pink light and phantom butterflies as it rends through space and time. Finally, the blade is stowed once more; and with the deafening click of the guard on the sheath, destruction unfolds and time resumes. [/hider] [hider=Character Feats] [color=#C08ECB][b]Holly, Heather, Hydrangea[/b][/color] Just because she's off the clock doesn't mean she loves flowers any less. She keeps a small plot of land in Thorinn where she grows an assortment of flowers both magical and mundane and sells them as she wanders to alchemists, tailors, and other crafters with an eye for magic and beauty. [color=#C08ECB][b]Whirling Sting[/b][/color] All of Papiyon's abilities to get close and empower her strikes are useless if the strikes themselves are weak. Luckily, not so; she's quite impressive with her nagamaki. Perhaps not as much as she would be if she were strictly martial; in any competition that completely excludes magic, she's certainly not winning. But with all of her powers and talents factored in, she does a lot of damage, either quickly or over time. [color=#C08ECB][b]Open Mind, Open Heart[/b][/color] For as kind as Papiyon is, and as committed as she is to emotionally protecting those around her--what good is that if people are so distrustful that they won't even [i]let[/i] her? While her natural tendency is to hide how she's feeling, she curbs that as much as she possibly can. A constant flow of honesty is infinitely important, and that flow NEEDS to be two-way. [color=#C08ECB][b]Always There[/b][/color] Still, even if she does alienate someone, she'll try her best to [i]un[/i]-alienate them, regardless if there was any major fault to be had there. Running alongside the sweetness and kindness, Papiyon is nothing if not incredibly forgiving. Not [i]infinitely[/i] so, of course, she has her limits just like everyone else does. But unless either you or her does something truly heinous, she'll find a way to make amends. [/hider] [hr][/hider]