[hider=Shion] ~Basic~ Name: Shion Kana [url=https://s1.zerochan.net/Ryougi.Shiki.600.1071895.jpg]Appearance:[/url] Standing at five foot nine (176 cm) and 157 pounds, Shion has no real distinguishing characteristics, physically. Not since her death, at least. She has many tiny scars on her body from training, though these are hard to see even when not covered by clothing. Age: Twenty-Two (22) years old Squad/Rank: Squad Ten / Unseated Biography: Personality: Shion is, at least now, a highly motivated Shinigami. She has an unhealthy obsession with swords, though this serves her well as a Soul Reaper, and tends to oscillate between high and low moods, though rarely without warning or reason. She is usually stubborn unless in one of her lower moods, but her main trait that's notable to anyone she meets is her notable hero complex. She's not the type to create problems that she can solve, but she'll seek out trouble and situations where she can be useful to others at any given opportunity. History: Shion Kana was born in Japan, the victim of a rare illness that made her extremely weak physically, as well as weakening her immune system. Her family moved to America to find a specialized doctor, causing her to live her whole life rarely being anywhere other than her home or a medical facility. In spite of this she was quite a happy person who loved life and considered herself quite fortunate just to be alive. With very few options on how to pass the time she found herself spending most of her time reading, often including manga from the country of her birth. It was due to this that she grew a love for swords, despite not being physically able to use them even if she had gotten to own one, and heroism. She often fantasized about being a manga character, able to fight for others and defeat those who would bring harm to the world. Unfortunately, even with advancements in medicine, she would never get a chance to achieve her dream. At only the age of sixteen, her family brought her back to Japan to visit her more distant relatives. She'd been there before for similar trips and she had mastery of the language, surely it would be fine to have another family trip. Unfortunately, disaster struck. Though her doctor had assured her and her family that things would be fine while she was there, they were incorrect. Shion caught a rather innocuous virus, and due to her frailty she passed away in her sleep. She remembers having fallen asleep in her bed between coughing fits and waking up with a strange chain on her chest. When she followed it to where it was connected she saw her own corpse and, after a surprisingly minor panic attack, realized that she was dead. This revelation terrified her, the thought of leaving behind her family was heartbreaking, but this was somewhat offset by her realization that she could move. She was no longer held back by her body's weakness, and though it took a short while to get used to, she was thankful that she wouldn't have to spend her apparent afterlife in the same state as when she was living. Unbeknownst to her, Shion bore well above average Reiryoku, resulting in a higher level of Spiritual Pressure. This normally wouldn't be a bad thing, but in her case it attracted a Hollow shortly after her passing. The Hollow crashed through the building, miraculously not harming the other members of the Kana family in doing so, and tried to devour her. The Hollow's attack broke her Chain of Fate and the monster nearly swallowed her whole, but with her no longer bound to her body and her newfound mobility she was able to escape through the hole the Hollow had created. She'd never really ran before, tripping and falling a few dozen yards from where her body lay, but just as the Hollow set upon her again, she was saved. A strange person in a black outfit appeared from nowhere and slew the monster with a single strike from their sword. Instantly, Shion was captivated. A real life, or not, in this case, shounen-esque hero! The Shinigami, as the person revealed themself to be, noticed Shion's Spiritual Pressure and her clear interest in their profession. After all, she wouldn't shut up with questions about Shinigami and Hollows after she found out they exist. And so the Shinigami performed Konsō on her, as must be done for all Pluses, and she entered Soul Society. Since then she's worked harder than she was ever even able to while alive, all for the purposes of becoming a Shinigami herself. Six years later she had completed the Shin'ō Academy curriculum just barely well enough to graduate, lacking in Kido and Hakuda skills but overcompensating with Zanjutsu and to a lesser degree Hohō. Now that she's out of the Academy, she's ready to go to work as a Soul Reaper, starting with the required time in Squad Ten. She has yet to achieve Shikai, nor has she heard her Zanpakuto's voice even once. Goals: Her mains goals are threefold and in no order, as she wants all three equally. That does not mean they are all equally achievable, unfortunately. 1. Enjoy her afterlife to the fullest and become strong enough to do so. 2. Help everyone who needs help that she meets and seek out those in need. 3. Make the world, both of the Soul Society and the World of the Living, better and safer so that everyone can live freely and happily. Squad Interests: 1. Seventh (7) - What better place to achieve her second and third goals than the Squad tasked with helping and protecting the residents of the Rukongai? 2. Twelfth (12) - Research in a world where [s]most technology is sword-based[/s] people get magical swords and souls exist? Those concepts fascinate her, and this is a great place to help people and improve their lives both directly and indirectly. 3. Thirteenth (13) - Her reason is basically the same as her reasons for joining Seventh, just for the living instead of Soul Society. Relationships: None to speak of. Despite having to take the extended time in the Academy, she never really became close or contentious with anyone there. Despite this, she is looking for a rival, or rather multiple, who can even further motivate her. (Not that she's in need of more motivation, in fact she might have too much already...) ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto Name: Kireikage (Beautiful Shadow) Type: Kido, in spite of her inability to use regular Kido at any real level. Kaigo: "Flash by, Kireikage." Zanpakuto Appearance: Basic Appearance: Shion's zanpakuto is a rather standard katana. Though its edge is ever so slightly serrated, that is the only notable feature. The tsuka (grip) is a solid black with no wrap, seemingly made from a single material. It bears a square shaped tsuba (guard) that is a muted silver and completely blank. Its saya (scabbard) is a pure, unblemished white. Shikai: When released, Kireikage creates ethereal afterimages of itself, one slightly in front of its blade and three at increasing intervals behind the blade. This causes a single slash to create a gory mess as the strike is multiplied five-fold. Because of this, blocking strikes from Kireikage is very difficult, as blocking or parrying the first blow will only cause the following blows to strike the same place, quickly draining the stamina of the target. [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/57d356f7-9c5d-4ecd-ac8a-a631d7c962b0.png]Zanpakuto Spirit:[/url] Kireikage is, in terms of personality and appearance, an anomaly that is difficult to understand. Though it has yet to speack to her, it seems to have Shion's best interests at heart, and wants to avoid needless things. [url=https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3jN1CwJJR5w/TybHWp0wBpI/AAAAAAAAAKA/TDh6pX5V71M/s1600/starry+field.png]Inner World[/url]: Shion's Inner World is a rather empty place. It manifests as a grassy field under a starry sky where the stars are constantly moving their places and flickering in and out of view. Shikai Skills: None, as of yet. Future Skills: Kuroiro Sakkaku (Black Illusion): Alters the gap between the afterimages of her blade, causing the timing of each blow to change. [Five post duration : Four post cooldown] Fuyasu Kuro (Augment Black): Creates further instances of the shikai's ability, increasing the number of afterimages by a multiple of two, up to eight increases. [Three post duration per set of two blades : Four post cooldown per set of two blades] Imoshinai Utsushi (Invisible Facsimile): Removes two of the afterimages to form a translucent double-edged sword in her other hand. [Two post duration : Two post cooldown] ~Attributes~ Kido: Novice, if it can even be called that. Think Renji but even worse, somehow. Probably couldn't even hit with the point-blank Shakkahō that he did. She can only really use one spell, and only because if she didn't at least learn to do it on command, she'd flunk, and because it helps with her training. - Seki. The only spell she can use without flubbing it halfway through casting, she uses it most often to train against. Zanjutsu: Good. Her strongest subject, despite not having Shikai. - Hōzuri. Another technique she uses for training, she's gotten quite good at precise strikes by practicing with this. Hakuda: Novice. Again, whether she can even be classified as a novice is up for debate. She knows how to throw a punch and how to properly kick, but that's about the extent of what she can do with it. Hoho: Good. Nothing really to say beyond that. - Shunpo. She's able to use it consecutively relatively well, though after a third Flash Step she tends to trip herself up somehow. ~Points~ Saved: 0 Invested: 0 ~Other~ Shion tends to fight in unorthodox ways, purposefully making mistakes with her stance and footwork in order to throw off her opponent. Her favorite is to stand with her feet level and parallel to her shoulders, seemingly preventing the ability to fight well at all, though this is of course just a facade. [/hider]