[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/sfL4M8x.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240501/f05a736427987502b04e7512136c14ae.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Eye of the Beholder [/sub][/cell][/row][/table]Flynn seethed as Octavia called him "Mister Astaros" and slammed the door behind him. How was [i]she[/i] the one mad at him now?! With his jaw clenched, muscles tensed, and heart pounding with adrenaline, Flynn didn’t look back as he stormed away from the house, keeping his eyes fixed forward. His anger bubbled just beneath the surface and he barely felt the cold biting at his skin. [color=337d71]"That woman..."[/color] he growled under his breath in frustration, his mind racing as it recalled everything that had been said and done in such a short time. He felt a pang of guilt for leaving Sunni to deal with the aftermath, but he couldn't stand to be in that house any longer. How could she be so ungrateful? Yes, he had brought her here against her will, but it was to save her life—and his. And yet she would’ve preferred to die? [color=337d71]"Goddess guide me."[/color] he muttered again, green eyes glaring ahead as he passed guards on the street without so much as a glance toward their direction. They bowed their heads in greeting, then exchanged puzzled glances with each other, wondering what was wrong with their typically composed Prince. Clearly, he was not as calm and collected as he usually presented himself. As Flynn neared the inn, he noticed a massive tree with a four inch deep trench gouged into the ground behind it. He sighed, slowing his pace, his eyes finding the enormous blight-born Ivor hacking away at the log. Had Ivor dragged that tree here all by himself? It was an impressive display of strength, but Flynn had no time to dally. [color=337d71]"Morning, Ivor,"[/color] Flynn greeted curtly, passing by the large man without asking any questions. He couldn't bear to think about another task on his list right now, even though he knew the trench would need to be mended at once. His jaw tightened again as he approached the inn's door, barely hanging on its hinges. What the hell had happened here? Ignoring that too, Flynn pushed his way inside and scanned the room. Guards who had been taking a break immediately jumped to their feet upon noticing the Prince, bowing to him before standing at ease, awaiting any orders the Prince might give despite their disrupted morning coffee. [color=337d71]"Where is Sy—"[/color] Flynn paused, his eyes landing on a woman in a stunning gown, her red eyes matching her dress but starkly contrasting against her pale skin. She stuck out from the rest of the crowd, clearly a woman of noble blood who sat among the commoners. He froze for a moment, locking eyes with her. She had to be the Lady of Durnatel, judging by her attire and the way she held herself, but … she was obviously blight-born. Had Lunaris' last large town fallen to the blight as well? And their baroness survived, reborn as something new? This would have been news to him. [color=337d71]"Lady Olivia of Durnatel?"[/color] he asked, approaching her at the corner table. Suddenly, he was acutely aware of his disheveled appearance. This was not a Princely thing to do at all. Meeting a Lady in such a state would have earned him days of reprimand and lessons in etiquette from his mother. [color=337d71]"It is a pleasure to have you,"[/color] he said, bowing to her out of respect before taking a seat opposite her. [color=337d71]"I apologize for..."[/color] he gestured to his clothing with a sheepish smile, [color=337d71]"Busy times in Dawnhaven, as I'm sure you're aware."[/color] He met her gaze, those piercing red eyes staring back at him. [color=337d71]"How fared your journey?"[/color] [hr] [Sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Olivia [@amorphical][/sub]