[img]https://i.ibb.co/tH8YcYW/Vhoth-Penni.png[/img] Vhoth’s two upper set of arms stretched up as he walked the street, the sound of the rust-gnats chewing away at anything they can get a meal from. His lower set of arms stretched out behind his back. After stretching, one of his hands moved to cover his mouth as he gave a loud yawn. It was time to meet up with Penni so they could walk together to the V.E.T building. They started a new job today! Loud knocking rattled Penni’s house as Vhoth knocked on the siding, making a swarm of gnats fly off in frustration. They had been disturbed from their meal. He simply swatted them away from his face as they buzzed around. [color=FAC358]“Penni!”[/color] The side door opens and Penni peeks out with a glare. As happy as she was to see her best friend, she was worried her uncle would hear the loud knocking and stop her from joining Vhoth in becoming a recruit. She couldn’t let that happen, not with her chance of getting out so close. She shimmied out of the building and closed the door behind her before her hands started to move quickly. [color=C5B4D5][i]Good morning. How’d you sleep?[/i][/color] Penni slipped on her goggles and mask before pulling the hood of her cloak over her horns. [color=C5B4D5][i]No mask?[/i][/color] She added, motioning to her own face in emphasis. Vhoth looked at her for a moment, confused as to why she was gesturing at her mask before he let out a laugh. [color=FAC358]“Oh yeah!”[/color] He reached down with his lower right hand and unclipped his pollution mask from his belt and pulled it on quickly. He held a thumbs up to her then, obviously smiling behind said mask by the crinkle near his eyes. [color=FAC358][i]Just forgot! Are you excited or what! I can’t believe we get to go together finally![/i][/color] He walked slightly behind her so that he had to match his pace with her, his strides were much bigger! The springs of her prosthetic legs squeaked with each step as Penni tried to hurry along towards the V.E.T. Building. She knew that he was trying to let her set the pace with her short limbs, but his excitement could hardly be contained. Her eyes crinkled behind her goggles, her way of expressing happiness. Not that Vhoth could see, though, since her goggles were heavily tinted to save her eyes from the light. [color=C5B4D5][i]Your enthusiasm in the morning has always been admirable, but it seems especially infectious today.[/i][/color] [color=FAC358][i]Duh! We’re starting fresh today! I can’t wait to see outside the wall![/i][/color] He looked up to the building when they reached it. He opened the door for Penni and followed her inside, eyes looking around to the others that had already gathered. Once Penni found the spot she wanted, Vhoth obliged by standing behind her and then squatting down. He looked like a giant shadow and was still taller than her when he was crouched like this. One of his lower arms was bracing himself so he didn’t fall over, while he was running two more of his hands through her hair to fix the little bit of bed head she had. Penni was used to this behavior from Vhoth by now, she just hoped that none of the other recruits would think that they could touch her in such a friendly manner. She tried her best to listen to the formidable captain, but her attention kept shifting to the others in the room. She kept her goggles and mask on even inside, so it’s not as if anyone would notice her gaze. At the sound of the screeching metal and the running guard, her head turns to watch before the captain gives her orders. Others started moving and Penni turned to Vhoth to sign. [color=C5B4D5][i]Let’s get going, maybe you’ll get a head-pat from the broker![/i][/color] Fighting was always something the tiny numan was familiar with. Vhoth looked down to Penni, watching her sign before he probably made a face. [color=FAC358]“I’d rather get a head pat from you.”[/color] He stood, watching others move out before leaning down. [color=FAC358]“Excuse me.”[/color] He carefully picked up Penni in two of his four arms and started out of the building. She was about to argue that she’s perfectly capable of getting there herself, but instead she just accepted her fate. Once outside, Vhoth ran towards the direction everyone else seemed to be going. Once they reached the spot, he panted softly behind the mask, examining what was going on. Those spears definitely weren’t going to do anything. He talked as he eased Penni to the ground. [color=FAC358]“I’m gonna try to grapple with it. Try to find a weak point and [i]don’t[/i] aim for the ankles!”[/color] He moved further forward and crouched a little to assess the creature. After a moment he simply shrugged and rushed forward. He attempted to grapple the head, a hand on its protruding horn while two arms went to grab a hold of its head and the last one reaching to grab whatever it could for grip. He then shifted his weight and made it harder for him to get pushed around. Meanwhile, Penni furrowed her brow. If she shouldn’t aim for the ankles, where else was she supposed to stab? She watched from a distance as her friend wrestled the giant beast before starting to look over the Stone-Horn for any weak points. Between the scales maybe? She took a deep breath as she watched the beast’s movement before deciding to take her chance. Maybe the scales on its back wouldn’t be as hard as the ones by its feet.