[Center][h1][i][b]"QUIET!"[/b][/i][/h1][/Center] A booming bellow cut through the arguing like a razor blade cuts through rat hide. All present fell silent and turned towards the source of the sound. Any trace of Bartholomew's previous joviality had vanished as he fixed the two offending littlings with an intimidating glare, honed over three long decades of terrorizing the House into a visage that only the bravest hearts could hope to face without skipping a beat. "I came here today... to enjoy a peaceful breakfast with my family... Something I don't get to do all that often, mind you... And to finally meet someone that my daughter has been speaking highly of in her letters home." Bartholomew growled, his every breath coming now in ragged angry huffs. "It's bad enough that I must weather this unexpected infestation of Flies... But now you would have me endure your bothersome bickering too? No. I think not... [i][b]You[/b][/i]." Bartholomew pointed at D'Arcy. "Do whatever the fuck it is you came here to do, then take your swarm and [i]piss off[/i]... And [i][b]you[/b][/i]." He turned his finger on Elizabeth. "Bring me and mine some breakfast and get me a jug of the Triple X. I am too hungry, and am I [i]far[/i] too sober to be dealing with this rat shit... Well? Why are you two just standing there? [b][i]MOVE![/i][/b]" [hider=OOC] Bartholomew gets [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/27193]two Basic Successes[/url] on a War Authority roll to frighten D'Arcy and Elizabeth into ending their argument. [/hider]