[quote=@RoadkilBanana] Alright, I really want to try again at a character, but there are a couple things I can't really figure out. Magic and background. I wanted to go with some sort of earth magic, but couldn't decide on how I should do it. As for background, I just can't think of anything... [/quote] In addition to what Xaltwind and Remram said, I personally tend to think of Earth as a very "constructive" element. Like, with fire, water, and wind you can just sort of "blast it" at people, but with Earth it always seems like it's better to think of it as "what can I MAKE with this" instead of "what can I DO with this?" Maybe your character has a spell that makes a giant stone wheel, which then rolls at the opponent in an attempt to flatten them. Or they cause a half-dozen giant stone dominos to rise up beneath a group of enemies, then collapse them all in sequence to try and crush those who can't figure out the "pattern" and escape. Maybe they create a series of "moving dirt tracks" on the ground that allow them to speed up or slow down anybody that steps on them, like treadmills going in different directions. Or, more simply, create things like walls, armor, or weapons out of solid earth. Instead of just "shooting rocks" the way others typically shoot fire or lightning, elements like Earth and Metal and so forth seem more suited to affecting the field or environment, creating obstacles, and that kind of thing. For your character's background, maybe try thinking of similar characters in other media you're fond of, and just changing the flavor of what happens to them? For instance, if you like a character whose home burned down when they were young, maybe replace the fire with an avalanche or a flood, but the general gist that "they lost a home and had to move to a place where they felt they didn't fit in," would be the same. Rather than worrying about creating a wholly unique character or one that is somehow very different from every previously existing character, just think about what you, as a Player, would like to do in order to have fun within the game. And, as always, feel free to ask any questions, drop me a PM, or whatever if you need help! [quote=@Databug] Kohra's post is up. I've left a few things about the situation open-ended via the bold text. I haven't actually confirmed this with anyone, but that's how you communicate something essential or to be interacted with, right? [/quote] It looks good to me! That's typically the strategy I use for bold text, yes. If I think a game like Zelda or Mario would color/bold/underline it to present information to a player, then I put it in bold. I don't usually use text colors myself but plenty of others do, and if you want to use colored text to highlight something readers should pay attention to that's fine by me too! [quote=@Theyra]Late to the party and if it is a good time to join. For a character, how does the son or grandson of an exiled Hino noble sound? Though I am still thinking about their magic, either Moon magic or some kind of summoner magic, if that works, or maybe Obsidian magic.[/quote] Xaltwind pretty much got it, "summoning magic" as it usually works in like a JRPG doesn't really seem to be a thing, however there are a few users of "sealing" or "containment" magic who could conceivably pull a sort of Pokemon-esque monster catching act, maybe? We've also seen examples of weapons and items being stored via magical inventories, although whether that's just some kind of enchanted bag or a school of magic in itself might be debatable. If you want to create types of magic not seen on the Wiki, I typically just take it on a case by case basis--if it doesn't really fit the theme or seems overpowered, I'll tell you and we can work with it to make tweaks or whatever. I like the idea of Obsidian magic, personally--you could use it to make razor sharp blades, or heavy spheres, defensive walls, so on and so forth. So if that's something you'd like to explore, feel free! With the backstory, again it's a case by case basis. On the first page of the IC and OOC there are the general premises of the RP's story and how it relates to canon, so if you have any questions beyond that feel free to let me know! I don't have any issue with characters from Hino that I wouldn't have with other characters, lol, so give it a shot!