[@shylarah] enchanted items are more than welcome! I will say, I'd like it to make sense as to why your character has that specific item even if it's that you robbed another mage for it! Lots of ways to go with a wind mage! Lots. Can't wait to see what you come up with, but take a look over my example character James at the top of the OOC thread, and the accepted Player character Elizabeth to see where the power level is. It's pretty high, so I could see lots of room for speed enhancements, flying, multi-cutting attacks, etc. Edit: Having some specific lore around a few islands shouldn't hurt anything, either. So long as it doesn't get too crazy. I've also been hoping someone might pick necromancer, so go nuts here as well and I'll reign you in when you've gone too far. Having zombies make up a chunk of the crew would be useful in giving the living mates a bigger share of the loot! [@imia] please let me know what you're thinking, only one way to find out if it's acceptable!