[b]Hazel![/b] It's morning. The rickshaw is balanced really well, all things considered. Amali is seated under the canopy, knitting needles clacking away. All around her, bolts of cloth and balls of yarn are heaped up, bagged, stacked, tucked into corners, and tied down to the roof. And you? Well, you're a strapping young lad, aren't you? And the desperation to help that you exude is palpable, particularly for the daughters of Aestival. The crowd is packed in the streets; it's like trying to get up onto the highway after a music festival. You're rubbing shoulders with people from all over Thellamie, trying to fit that little rickshaw between wagons and families and the great goblin riding-beasts and Nagi who don't live in Crevas in ponchos and loose fur coats and beaded capes and veils and why are you staring shouldn't you be looking down at the cobblestones very seriously? "Hey, venturer!" There's a couple next to you, lugging backpacks as the line to get on the Roads inches forward. Their tops have colorful repeated arrow patterns, zigging and zagging. "Do you happen to, like, [i]know[/i] the Golden Fawn?" "Mel, you can't just ask someone if he knows the Golden Fawn just because he has, you know...!" The Serigamalu man of the pair gestures awkwardly at your antlers, blushing as hard as you are. "Sorry," he stage-whispers, even as Mel looks up at you with wide and curious eyes. Click, clack, click go the needles. [hr] [b]Yuki![/b] Sulochana is cuddly in her sleep. The pajama top is, fortunately, long on you: designed for serpent-bodied Nagi. The sun filters through the gauzy curtains, bringing with it a warm breath of wind. Its rays touch you between the rare gap in Sulochana's coils. Somewhere nearby, Crevas-brand chai tea is being steeped, the spices tickling at the nose. But Sulochana's body pillow is on the rug and instead she's holding you fast. You agreed, at some point last night, exhausted and heartweary and shuffling to bed, that you'd for sure get up early and be right onto the Roads to pursue Hazel! Surely you did. But despite your guilt, it's difficult to even think about getting up out of bed. That's just how it is. Sulochana is warm in the sun, her mattress is absurdly soft, and she's incredibly safe. Go ahead. Snuggle a little before you try to wake her up. She's the one who got stabbed, after all, and she needs that rest to recover properly. After all, once you wake her up, she's going to have to decide what she's going to do about Hazel, and... Maybe you can wriggle an arm out of her grasp to check your tablet, if you rest it against your breastbone? [hr] [b]Tsane![/b] [i]Heroes.[/i] Civils are taking their seats, a semicircle facing Heron, Civelia and a small sculpture of a chisel (itself representing the First Fallen). Almost nobody here has a free left arm: not at a meeting this important. Notebooks and tablets are sitting in laps as an expectant hush falls over the room. Very notably, there's a large gap on one side where the western monasteries should have sent their representatives. [i]They love heroes.[/i] Kalentia and Cair are back at the Nexus, caring for the Lunarian (who, it turns out, was running a fever). Which means that it's you here, and naturally your old man, and likely... well, where are Injimo and Sayanastia? They could be in either place, I suppose. [i]They love the light of their hearts, cast by their shadow.[/i] "Ten thousand thanks, my loyal servants," Civelia says, rising to her feet. Her hair's been elaborately styled, all ringlets and curls that are still as stone when she turns her head. "Once again, we find ourselves in the midst of crisis and tumult. Where the chaos of the Dark Dragon rears its head, there we shall be-- must be-- to restore serenity in the Hero's wake and to make her path clear. Upon this meeting's concluding, we shall have decided the course of action to bestow upon her as our sacred duty. I once again offer praise to the First Fallen for preparing for a moment such as this." Heads are bowed for a moment, pens stilling and tails stilling. It's appropriate to take this moment to thank the First Fallen for creating the world and to consider your place in maintaining his creation. Such as, say, doing your best to understand creation and to catalogue its manifestations and shapes. General Secretary Dasheka steps forward from where she stood beside the goddess. "We have three points of interest for this meeting. Firstly, the unexpected outcome of the Queen of Light ceremony, and the Golden Fawn's status as a person of interest in resolving the uncertainty around the Queen's identity. Secondly, how we as a body should respond to the actions of the Khatun of the Serigalamu last night. Thirdly, the attempted attack on the person of our Goddess by one of the Maid-Knights of the Order of the Aurora that also occurred last night..." The arguments about what to do will go on for a while, but the Civils will be trying to adhere to Civelia's own rules of debate, so at least it'll go somewhere. She doesn't abide wasting time or not trying to apply logic properly to a problem. [hr] [b]Kalentia![/b] So here's the major question for you and Cair. Given that Fallen Far's arm has an infected cut, right where there was a rent in the armor: what have you removed in order to give her treatment? On the one hand, the Moon's got insanely strict purity and modesty laws, and you'll probably be risking further infection, but on the other hand... well, you've got to apply treatment [i]somehow.[/i] The Shadow's still watching you, but they seem content to coil up in a corner, mirror-eyes unblinkingly keeping vigil, drinking in everything that you do. [hr] [b]Eclair![/b] In the midst of the Outside, you find a place which has the weight of reality, at least for long enough to sit underneath a palm tree and drink from a stream. It is wickedly cold, and tastes faintly of basil. The light of the distant sun is golden and buttery where it filters through the leaves. The crunch of brown grass underneath brown shoes. The logic of the half-real insists that the most important place be the most memorable, the most real, and what's more important than a meeting? For a moment, the black and white and steel makes you think, certainly, that you've somehow lured Timtam out to fight with you between home and the world, but no, it's not her. "Well met, ma'am!" Ruthmoreness O'Tara waves with her whole arm at you before shouldering her board on its strap and clattering forward. Charms jangle on that strap, both to keep her safely on her way and because they're super cute you know? Her bonnet is strapped under her chin to keep it from falling right off her mop of hair. You cannot confirm for yourself that she has not been suborned in whatever game Timtam's playing. But she brings with her petrichor and the kind of chill wind that brings strength back into the limbs, and she's barely avoiding tripping over her own feet (as usual). "Any messes to report, or aught of that sort?"