[quote=@RoseKnightJason] [@imia] please let me know what you're thinking, only one way to find out if it's acceptable! [/quote] okok [hider=i] basically my character's magic revolves around a temporary connection that they make between them and another person. it serves as a conduit for her to cast her spells through (which would impact the other party). through this connection things like their senses, perceptions, mana reserves, and reflexes can be shared. the parties (subconsciously if not otherwise) choose how much they want to share, in a similar way to how you would before having a conversation. the sharing isn't just something that they feel, but it's something that can be observed. i.e. some strike that would normally bruise James wouldn't leave a mark while the bond is active, though it would sting for both parties. but again, the connection doesn't [i]have[/i] to be anything more than just a conduit for my character's spells, it's a decision for both of them to make. my character's other spells would be along the lines of "buffs" to the person she's attached to. things like straight up taking damage for them (rather than them sharing it) or giving them her own speed/strength. allowing her quick travel to the other party's location in some way, maybe conjuring a barrier around them; supportive things like that. [/hider] those are the basic concepts that i have floating around rn, like i said id appreciate outside input on everything!! but if anything abt it raises some sort of red flags or if it just doesn't seem feasible for this type of environment then lmk and i'll happily pivot onto another idea^^