[Centre][H2][color=bc8dbf]Lord and lady Coswain[/color][/H2][/Centre] [Centre][H3][color=bc8dbf]About Dawn Haven[/color][/H3][/Centre] Persephone had seen far stranger things in her life and just smiled slightly, Maybe the stable hand had a night time friend as she was dressed very casually and her hair had a I have been doing activities look. She didn't let it show overly and remained polite. [color=bc8dbf]“Thankyou, a hot meal and rest and il be fully fit in a few days. Does not stop my partner worrying about me. Im sure you known the feeling.”[/color] Persephone said without passing judgement. I'd they wanted to do it, do it, though you might get a bonus in the form of a baby! She had made that one twice, the fun part was fun but the other part was rather painful. The family she did not regret and despite being separated by duty they had made it a challenge. Persephone followed the woman in and she called for Taru in the back room no less, perhaps she was right and could have a little fun. “Taru” She managed to sound out getting the name correct, not a oo but a u. Persephone made sure to close the door properly and snugly to keep the warmth in, Lunaris was used to dealing with winter and how to keep warm. [color=bc8dbf]“Hello Taru, I'm Persephone, my horse the feisty black Lunarian Heavy last night, I needed my saddle bags. I arrived in a rather bad state, they have all my gear and spare clothes etc.”[/color] Persephone said and carried on. [color=bc8dbf]“Before the town goes mad with Princes announcements. I did not want to take them without checking and thinking you had been robbed.” [/color] She then turned a little more light hearted and could not help but have a little fun with them. The whole situation was too interesting and the Throne Agent was bored, bored Throne Agents were a bad thing. She did not miss a thing and though she was not sure it was correct, a little fun for herself. [color=bc8dbf]“I never got your name, Mrs Taru? Is it? Thankyou for helping me.”[/color] She dropped the question casually and remained entirely calm. [color=bc8dbf]“I do apologise if I interrupted something, let me know where my bags are and I can leave you to your recreational activities.”[/color] She said genuinely though the mischief did reach her eyes. She stayed a respectful distance but did not raise her stern mask or work face and was more a relaxed woman, older , more confident and entirely unphased by the attire or fact they might have been engaging in before she arrived. Persephone kept herself from breaking up, her smile was hidden to minor mischief. [@The Savant] [@The Muse]