[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Early Morning[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya was short. Yes. You could miss her and she guessed the Prince had missed her being someone else, some of the older children were taller than Sya was, the ones with a decent diet anyway. Sya never had and why she ended up so small. Sya quietly and without making almost any noise stepped into view and faced Prince Flynn without her hood, something she had not really done before. He looked tired, no… there was something and her eye was very very perceptive, he definitely looked like he was less composed. She hoped Becky would join her on a trip to the market. She could leave the Inn for a short time if it meant sorting things out before the Prince set the whole town into some kind of situation. Such announcements were rare and it had to be important. [color=a2d39c]“I'm here my Prince, we have a carpenter who volunteered to make a new door. Just a misunderstanding and accidents happen here.”[/color] Sya decided to not rat out Ivor and he knew closest to her native language, very few here could speak it. [color=c4df9b]“No one was hurt or damaged bar the door., It was handled before the guards arrived by Lord Coswain and his companions.”[/color] Sya said and decided to not drop everyone into the hole, however her view of the guards was a little unreliable for rapid response. Blightborn had to look after each other and she looked across a little giving Olivia a smile and gesture of support. She probably did not need it but Sya was counting on her staying In town and hopelessly liked this woman if she admitted to it. Not that she would say that infant of the Prince. [color=a2d39c] “If I may say your Your Highness, there's at least one person here looking for work, with skills you might find valuable. If you excuse me, have business to conduct before the gathering.”[/color] She said, cautiousLy but informing that there had been new arrivals seeking work and that he might have to get them on some of the projects going on around Dawn Haven. She also figured that someone might owe her a favour and that never hurt. Who knows what life throws your way? Sya left at that and just waited if Becky wanted or was able to join her. She seemed to love cooking so she thought she would not turn down a chance to get her baking materials. Also it got Sya away from Prince who she still had a wary…. Caution around the Prince, thankful but not going to get caught in any potential Webs. [@The Muse][@amorphical] [@SkeankySnack] Sya no rat out Ivor !