[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OwZNeFr.png[/img][/center] [color=808080] [hr] It was unnervingly silent in the house unlike last night when it was silent. This was not peaceful or welcoming. Today's silence was filled with tension and negative emotions which the redheaded man did not appreciate. He regretted staying the night and experiencing one of his best friend’s martial arguments and fights — why was Flynn not being truthful? They talked about it, Flynn seemed to shrug him off and not want to talk about it, but he knew the truth now. Flynn and Octavia were fighting. Somewhat? Personally, he had seen worse fights passing the baker and his wife in the local area he lived in Aurelia. At least they were not as bad as plenty of the other couples he had witnessed though this one felt a little too familiar. He did not know the others who fought but he cared for his friend who did. Not hearing the door open was one thing, being surprised by Elara was another, since he was so focused on staring off into the distance — Sunni jumped out of his skin. “[color=a93226]Ga-G–Good morning Elara,[/color]” There were plenty more things that wanted to come out of his mouth but he suppressed everything to not yell oddities at the woman that he embarrassed himself of last night. ‘[color=a93226]Good morning,[/color]” This time it was stated confidently and calmly unlike his initial reaction seconds before. He did not realize that someone simply saying his name would spook him out of his skin so badly but he was now realizing how on edge he was from Flynn and Octavia’s fighting. The stress on his body seemed to disappear a little when his amber eyes focused on Elara as a whole. She was so pretty —- [color=a93226][i]I don’t want to be alone with her![/i][/color] The small bit of panic flooded his system as the realization of how badly he humiliated himself last night set in seeing her again. Looking at his food, he nodded, “[color=a93226]I’m fine. Good. Well. Somewhere in the positive,[/color]” He chuckled while he sighed before pushing the mixture of eggs, meats, and vegetables around in the bowl. It was clearly not the full truth since he was jittery and jumpy. “[color=a93226]How are you?[/color]” His eyes flicked up to her again when he asked this. The man felt like his chest was tightening and it was hard to breath though he was masking his emotions pretty well. “[color=a93226][i]Oh…[/i][/color]” Sunni began while he looked towards where Octavia’s room would be and he shrugged. “[color=a93226]I…[/color]” Was he supposed to talk about this? Elara was her trusty handmaiden, he could talk about it, but he felt sick in his stomach at the thought. He only heard most of the vocalities of the situation, not seeing the emotion, physical actions, or the rest of it. Flynn didn’t come back inside and Octavia stomped into her room with slamming doors. Shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head while he thought and looked at his food — was he even hungry at this point anymore? He had no clue — another sigh left his lips, “[color=a93226]I think Flynn and Octavia are fighting… I really don’t know the entirety of it but they went through the house and out the front door. Flynn hasn’t returned and Octavia slammed doors and stomped through the house. I think she isn’t happy…[/color]” The fork began to push the food around in the bowl as he looked up at Elara again. Then he glanced at the plates that were left out for Flynn and Octavia. His eyes moved to the skillet that was still half full. “[color=a93226][i]Uhm…[/i] Do you want some? I just made it. If you are hungry,[/color]” Sunni gestured to the skillet half full of food. “[color=a93226]I can get you a bowl or plate,[/color]” He reassured if she didn’t want to intrude, he was offering, and he put the forkful of food in his mouth as he tried his best to silently chew in front of the woman. [hr] [b]Interactions[/b] [@Qia] Elara [/color]