[@imia] so I have very little issue with her powers. I'm confused as to the mana sharing spell. The connected teammate gets access to lava's mana pool, is that it's basic Effects? In addition, your character's history has a detail I'm missing as well. Was it the bandits who attacked the village who are sending Lava on these missions, or it was her village who raised/trained her and her sibling? In which case, what exactly constitutes a "mission" for what should otherwise be a fairly primitive 17th century Indian village. I have no problem with her being from India, I'm sure a motivated Indian sailor could find themselves on the other side of Europe (eventually) but the backstory sounds less like she was trained to be a warrior through ancient rites and more like she was a CIA agent lol. If you could clarify what exactly she was doing there (doesn't even have to be IC) she should be acceptable. I'd also like the "two pools worth of mana," bit moved to her magical Abilities instead of the natural abilities. Natural Abilities should be only your human skills, and anything gained from magic (like the extra 15 years of experience) should go there