[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5494758][img]https://i.imgur.com/9BCGgou.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Hillside Hamlet - Town Hall--[/h3][/center] Hmmm... how vexing, it seemed everyone here somehow discerned that this peasant girl was peculiar in one way or another, even someone who lacked mastery over the arcane like Anne. In fact, Anne had the most pronounced reactions of them all. Was there really something she missed? The youkai wondered. Perhaps everything would be revealed once she got around to divining the girl's blood, whenever it'd be. [color=d9457c][b]"Oh, various. Type, health conditions, any mundane or arcane impurities, those things."[/b][/color] Remilia shrugged. It was no different than a blood test in Eirin's clinic really, maybe even better. The possibility of the blonde being an Otherworlder like them was there, but she just didn't stand out enough for Remilia, unlike Gwen and Maokai. Well, like she mentioned, if they wanted to bring her along, she wouldn't stop them. For her part, Remilia made sure that each villager in the hall had the treatments they needed before departing once more with the caravan. [center][h3]--Aventon - On the Road--[/h3][/center] During the several days since they departed from the hillside hamlet, the Scarlet Devil had sampled the gloomy girl's blood, then found out that she wasn't human, or at least, not 'human' in the Gensokyoan sense, also that she wasn't sick, so whatever's ailing her was probably mental as they had suspected, and... well, that was pretty much it. Without the girl's cooperation, it was quite difficult to gather more information about her. Though speaking of gathering information, the promised land was within the horizon at last. Finally, [i]civilization[/i], Remilia couldn't wait to indulge in a proper warm bath, eat proper food, and enjoy services as befitting her noble station. No offense to those good villagers, but the vampiress didn't exactly belong with the unwashed masses. With palpable joy on her pale visage, Remilia didn't even register the slight discomfort of being blanketed under the clear midday sun. Once the caravan had passed the gates, the Scarlet Devil would immediately beeline toward the castle, expecting Anne and whoever else interested in having an audience with the reigning monarch to follow her. [color=d9457c][b]"And oh, Sanae, as soon as you're able, do inform Lady Suwako that we can finally meet with the sovereign of this land. If there's a place to organize a nationwide effort to settle these issues once for all, it's here."[/b][/color] Remilia paused just long enough to tell Sanae that before continuing on her way.