My very first memorable original character has morphed nicely over the years. His name's Nick. I know, unoriginal... but he's a boring human! He's lived rent free in my head for 25 years. Myspace didn't even exist yet. Aol chat rooms were prominent at the time, [i]if[/i] you had access to a computer with dial up. And then again, I would have been much too young to use them at the time. Nick's a hotheaded gunslinger, an enthusiastic survivalist, an archeologist who absolutely hates mummies, but most importantly? He's a perpetual adventurer... A male counterpart that I originally used when dealing with Tomb Raider puzzles. I'd get frustrated with Lara's shenanigans after awhile. So I'd go take a break from the game, only to still be running around that level in my headspace a short time later. Lara always felt too perfect to me and I'm FTM. So, I'm assuming this is why I ended up with my favorite little snot of a guy. Indiana Jones did inspire him, as well as a few others. Nathan Drake didn't exist yet, but Gex and James Bond certainly did! Over the years, other inspiration has absolutely been pulled from for not only Nick, but the world he lives in. John Wick, Milla Jovovich, and honestly too many others to list. He's not necessarily the greatest or most original character I've ever made, but he sure as hell is my favorite. Thankfully, there are roleplayers here who don't mind if you work a premade oc into a story. This has allowed me to further character build for him in an rp setting, and I'm loving it! And of course, if you're curious to read about his adventures further, [url=]Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past[/url]. Action adventure ftw! And to keep myself from rambling endlessly, I'll stop now. p: P.s. I'm a 90s kid, so yes, he's named loosely after Nick Carter.