[center] [color=DarkRed][h3]Orphan X[/h3][/color] Close to 2 years ago [hr][/center] Laura watched Night Vision as he grappled away into the night. He had just finished handing Wild Thing over to the authorities, while she perched on a nearby building under cover of darkness. She was never that good at working closely with the cops, doing things by the book wasn't her way. Despite Dark Claw's best efforts to teach her about justice and restraint, Laura’s instincts always leaned more towards a ruthless efficiency that often blurred the line between hero and vigilante. She turned and walked away into the night. Laura reflected on her strained relationship with Night Vision. Even though they shared a bond through Dark Claw, their methods clashed too often. Every encounter while hunting the same villain usually ended in heated arguments or brief skirmishes. Dark Claw had tried to bridge the gap between them, but Laura was stubborn. However, tonight was different. She'd been hot on the tail of Wild Thing for days now, tracking her spree of chaos through New Gotham City silently and closely. Unbeknownst to her though, Wild Thing hadn't been as reckless as normal, and this spree was an elaborate trap to take Laura out of the picture once and for all. She had been careless, too excited at the chance to capture Wild Thing once and for all to notice the obvious clues being accidentally left. Luckily for her, Night Vision wasn't so careless. He'd happened to have been in the area, and caught on quickly to what was going on. Showing up just in the nick of time as Laura sprung the trap to get her out of the sticky situation. As much as she hated taking orders, especially from him, she couldn't deny his instruction during the ensuing chaos saved her from a few bruises and broken bones. Of course, as if it was his catchphrase, he pestered her to join Titan X once again. She never understood his insistence to get her to join. She told him to fuck off as she did every time. The more she thought about it though the more appealing it became. She might have been hot-headed, but she wasn't stupid, and it's not like Dark Claw was someone who only ever worked alone. There would definitely come a point where the threat she was facing was too much even for her, maybe getting a few trusted contacts wasn't the worst thing in the world. She sighed, swallowing her pride as she tapped the communicator in her ear and cycled it to Night Vision's frequency. "I'm in, but don't think this is a permanent thing. You bozos embarass me and I'll be back in NGC before you can blink." [hr] [center]Present day[/center] A few new recruits were joining the team today, and by god they needed them. Laura thought back to when she first joined Titan X. She was like chalk and cheese with the roster for a while, finding it hard to take orders and co-ordinate missions with the other members, truly embodying her chosen psuedonym 'Orphan' as she went astray trying to take the villains down on her own. For the first year, her involvement was sporadic at best. She would disappear for weeks, only to reappear just in time to assist on a mission and return to Titan Tower. Gradually, Laura found her place within the team. She grew accustomed to working alongside others and even developed a protective streak towards her teammates, albeit expressed through sarcastic jabs more often than compliments. Over the year and a half since she joined, the team had seen many members come and go. Some left by choice, others due to disagreements, and a few, tragically, because of death. Laura pulled on a white tank top and black jeans, preferring comfort over her full costume while inside the tower. The sleek black leather jacket and combat boots could wait until she was on duty. Downstairs, she joined the gathering team in the lobby. She leaned against a wall with her arms folded, watching as Kid Cannonball tried to make himself comfortable in the unfamiliar surroundings. Gary moved over to welcome the new member of the team. If anyone could make him feel at home, it was him. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation, punctuated by Gridlock’s booming "BOOYAH!" echoing through the space. Vic Stone’s entrance never failed to amuse her. Her eyes drifted over to him as he began retelling a story she must have heard at least 3 or 4 times. For once, the story had an exciting ending though as the Herald of Cytorrak burst through the wall. Shock, anger, then a mischevious grin all shot across her face in an instant. [i]Snikt[/i] The claws in her right hand slid out with that familiar sound as Night Vision shouted his call to arms. She saw Gary transform and begin to charge at the towering villain. Now this was more her style: slice first, ask questions later. "Mind if I hitch a ride big guy?" She crouched down and then quickly leapt with superhuman agility, landing on the back of the giant gorilla and holding on with her free hand. Timing her swipe of claws with the strike Gary was throwing, she aimed to hit Mal Duncan from the opposite side, their coordinated attack intended to disorient and overpower the Herald of Cytorakk.