[COLOR=a0410d][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]G R A N T "R E A C T O R" S U M M E R S[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][color=a0410d]Interacting with:[/color][/sup][/INDENT] They were told that they would be receiving new members. He had been to quite a few of these at this point; something like a small welcoming party to get them adjusted to the new environment. Or, well, that was the goal anyway. After the whole welcoming thing, it was a coin flip whether they would mesh well with the group but they had worked it out sooner or later thanks to Night Vision's guidance. He woke up early in the morning to get some form of training in— collecting and releasing the energy to keep it stabilized. There weren't any missions as far as he knew so he had to keep it at a more stable level. Once he was finished with his morning routine, he donned a more casual fit and grabbed his bomber jacket as he descended to the lobby to join the others. Unfortunately, he was a bit late as Vic had already arrived with the others. Grant waved at them as he entered with their cyborg already starting out his story about the fight with Doctor Pyro. Well, it looked like Vic and Gary had that whole welcoming committee covered so he banked towards the kitchen to grab something to munch on while they were idling. In the middle of opening the refrigerator came their unexpected guess. Night Vision had called them to arms as the Herald of Cytorakk burst through their door like it was nothing. Which was fair for him, Grant supposed, as he quickly shut the door to join the others in the lobby once again. Gary and Laura had already started their assault on the Herald, going up close and personal with him immediately. The device on his belt glowed as he harnessed what energy he could and aimed a plasma shot straight at the Herald once his teammates gave him a window of opportunity to hit a clean shot.