[hr][b]《 Archived H.E.R.O. File 59000679 》[/b] [color=turquoise][sub]My programming requires me to, quote, "reduce, reuse, recycle." Even with digital files. Strange, I know. Why would we even need to keep files on these numbnuts?[/sub][/color][hr] [hider=EVENT: "Happy HERODays!"] [B][ EVENT FILENAME ][/B] [color=lightgray][INDENT]"Happy HERODays!"[/INDENT][/color] [B][ TIME / DATE ][/B] [color=lightgray][INDENT]September 14th, 2029. All Day Event[/INDENT][/color] [B][ LOCATION ][/B] [INDENT][color=lightgray]Throughout Castleburg[/color] [indent][indent][color=gray]HERO Parade down 5th Avenue, New Athens "HEROXposition" located the Johnstone Convention Center[/color][/indent][/indent][/INDENT] [B][ DESCRIPTION ][/B] [color=turquoise][INDENT]In honor of HERO's sesquicentennial anniversary (that's 150 years, for those that can't break down [i]simple[/i] Latin root words), the Castleburg City Council has voted to approve a citywide festival to commemorate the years of service that HERO has provided for the city, as well as celebrate the heroes that protect the city on a day-to-day basis. The events will include large-scale street closures to make way for public markets, a large parade that will cut down one of New Athens' busiest streets, and a major HERO-centered event at one of Castleburg's biggest convention centers that will include galleries that display HERO's achievements over the years, demonstrations of some of the heroes' abilities, and speeches by a number of important officials (including Director Hugo Powers) that will honor the storied past of HERO while also foreshadowing some of the developments made in the organization and things to come. Topping all of that off is a citywide holiday, meaning city employees get the day off from work, and children get the day off from school. It's a pretty big deal, to say the least. Despite some objections, HERO Executive Director Powers has agreed to greenlight the event and speak at the "HEROXposition" (even I think it's a dumb name, for the record). Though he has some security concerns, he does agree with city officials that it is a good way to celebrate a [s]redundant and forgettable[/s] modestly important anniversary date while also giving some new heroes an opportunity to meet new people, explore the city, and extol the virtues of an organization they will hopefully be a part of for many years. What could go wrong?[/INDENT][/color] [B][ DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS ][/B] [color=lightslategray][INDENT]"I'm less concerned about security and more irritated that I have to give a speech. This whole thing does seem a little bit corny. That being said, the people want it, the city council wants it, it'll be a good day for business, and Emily tells me the heroes will have a good time. I suppose 150 years is something worth toasting to. I will [i]not[/i] be letting my guard down just because HERO is however many years old, though."[/INDENT][/color] [B][ MISSION DIRECTIVE ][/B] [color=turquoise][INDENT]Have a good time? This section seems a bit too formal. This whole thing seems a bit too formal. But I create documents as I'm told.[/INDENT][/color] [/hider] [hider=EVENT: "Scavenger Hunt"] [B][ EVENT FILENAME ][/B] [color=lightgray][INDENT]"Scavenger Hunt"[/INDENT][/color] [B][ TIME / DATE ][/B] [color=lightgray][INDENT]September 14th, 2029. Approximately Noon[/INDENT][/color] [B][ LOCATION ][/B] [INDENT][color=lightgray]Savior Island[/color][/indent] [B][ DESCRIPTION ][/B] [color=turquoise][INDENT]In order to promote a spirit of camaraderie, teamwork, and adventure, the Assistant Director has prepared an event wherein the heroes will compete to snag as many information pyramids with pre-prepared trivia facts, in order to win mutated shape-shifting mini-plants. There are 5 pyramids scattered across the island:[list] [*]One of them is located on a small platform about 40 feet from the shore in the water. [*]One of them is located within a half-buried safe that is equipped with an advanced lock. [*]One of them is being ferried around the island in circles by a drone flying about 60 feet in the air. [*]One of them is hidden inside a very brambly bush. [*]One of them is on a platform right in the middle of the island, but is being guarded vigilantly by a combat droid. That combat droid is, of course, being controlled by me. Don't worry, the gun is only set to mildly shock you. But I will shoot.[/list] [/INDENT][/color] [B][ ASST. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS ][/B] [color=lightcoral][INDENT]"First off, I didn't ask you to make one of these for this. And second, I think this will be fun! Hopefully. Maybe. Better than boring them all to death."[/INDENT][/color] [B][ MISSION DIRECTIVE ][/B] [color=turquoise][INDENT]Find enough of the little pyramids and win the little bush Leftover things. And also, glory![/INDENT][/color] [/hider] [hider=VILLAIN PROFILE: "Fiendish Five" ] [B][ PROFILE NAME ][/B] [color=lightgray][INDENT]"Fiendish Five"[/INDENT][/color] [B][ DESCRIPTION ][/B] [color=lightgray][INDENT]Villain Group[/INDENT][/color] [B][ MEMBERSHIP NUMBER ][/B] [INDENT][color=lightgray]...really?[/color][/indent] [B][ DESCRIPTION ][/B] [color=turquoise][INDENT]The Fiendish Five are a villainous group that has been operating in Castleburg for some time. They are, as the name suggests, both fiendish and always composed of five members. Their current line-up consists of Doc Holliday, Lady Blade, Professor Jon Gholem, Albino, and Jellyfish. Though they have ridiculous-sounding names and get-ups, they are all highly dangerous and should only be approached with a group of experienced heroes. Interestingly, the Fiendish Five do not appear to have malevolent grand plans of their own for the city, and they generally have their services contracted for by the highest bidder, like Star Wars bounty hunters but real and goofier. Their HQ location is, at this time, unknown.[/INDENT][/color] [B][ MEMBERS ][/B] [color=lightgray][INDENT]The Fiendish Five have had a couple of iterations, but their current fivesome is as follows:[list] [*][b]Doc Holliday,[/b] real name Jacob Wells, is a cartoonish-looking villain that dresses as his icon and namesake, the Wild West gunfighter Doc Holliday. Doc is the founder and longest-tenured member of the Five and serves as their de facto leader. Holliday was very briefly a hero, but his gratuitous violence led to him being put on probation by the organization; he then left, became jaded as a vigilante that was not respected and made no money, and turned to a life of crime. His power, which is classified as Theta Class by HERO, allows him to gauge distances, speeds, and trajectories flawlessly. While sounding useless at first, this make Doc Holliday one of the best gunfighters ever seen by HERO, and he is renowned for rarely missing a target. His customized Colt double-action revolvers and specially-crafted bullets that can bounce, explode, and do all sorts of tricks also helps to make him a feared hero killer with nearly 20 deaths attributed to him. [*][b]Lady Blade,[/b] real name Kellen Zeng, is a professional assassin of mysterious origins. She surfaced in China decades ago, wreaking havoc for China's hero force before going dormant for a long time and now resurfacing in Castleburg as one of the five. While Holliday may be an expert ranged combatant, Lady Blade is a master martial artist and knife-wielder, carrying a variety of throwing and stabbing knives on her person at all time. Her power is unknown; some believe her to have super-reflexes, while others believe that she is, in fact, powerless. That does not make her any less dangerous, however. [*][b]Professor Jon Gholem[/b] is a strange fit for the list. A former professor of robotics at the University of Castleburg, he left the organization after they publicly criticized and refused to provide funding for his police killbot. He went off the radar for many years before re-surfacing with the Five. Though he has no powers of his own, he is a genius and perhaps the most skilled roboticist on the planet, with a number of different models of robot to his name. [*][b]Albino,[/b] real name Dirk Strater, is a villain originally from the Netherlands that, as his name also suggests, has albinism. He overcame bullying in his youth not through self-development but through a great deal of violence. He left his native country and came to the United States to escape justice, and became a member of the Five. His powers give him near-instant teleportation, but only to areas that are not being watched by living creatures. [*][b]Jellyfish,[/b] real name Kevin Martin, was a Castleburg native cursed with powers that transformed him into a hideous monstrosity with gray skin, a bulbous, jellyfish-like head protrusion, and long purple tendrils. He turned to a life of crime and quickly became a member of the Five. He is believed to be able to breathe underwater, swim at extremely high speeds, and his tendrils can administer powerful electric shocks. [/list][/INDENT][/color] [B][ DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS ][/B] [color=lightslategray][INDENT]"These guys are no joke. They pop up, pull off some elaborate hit or crime, and then vanish again. They're difficult to deal with and difficult to track down. We've occasionally taken out individual members, but never the entire group at once. Their power isn't overwhelming, but they are crafty, sneaky, and, if you're not on your toes, very dangerous. I only want the best and most experienced heroes after them."[/INDENT][/color][/hider]