[right]Forests surrounding Rembrandt April 13, X903 Suspicious Monster Sighting [@Cello][@Lunarlord34][@Sanguine Rose][/right] The only sounds the three mages heard for a distance were those of the forest, birds, beasts, insects and the like going about their lives, most unaware the mages were even there. However, as the indicated clearing grew closer, the distance going from two miles, to a mile and a half and even less, the sounds eventually disappeared entirely as signs of territory marking grew more apparent, mostly in the form of large and deep gouges in the ground and larger trees. Eventually, they would reach the edge of the clearing and see a large canine like monster, red in color and currently curled up and sleeping, it's deep breathing just loud enough to barely be heard. [hr] [right]Road to the Outpost April 13, X903 Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous [@Remram][@Sanguine Rose][/right] The Corporal seemed to be coming to the end of his argument as Nolan approached, as he was able to catch the tail end. "If you weren't going to make good on the promise of emergency artillery if the Asterin issue was greater than anticipated, then you shouldn't have fucking made it! I'll be reporting this to my captain! Over and out." He flipped off the radio and seemed to glare at the Ash mage, though it was clear that the anger wasn't at the mage so much as the situation. When he was done, the Corporal weighed in. "The artillery call is normal, as swarms of Asterin like this happen if an Alpha gets big enough and beats enough others, so the Pergrande 86th Artillery unit agreed to shell areas where such swarms are identified. It usually doesn't kill the alpha, but the damage it does to the swarm is enough to break it up and force the Alpha back to normalcy. The last time they kept that promise was ten years ago. I was trying to get a suppressive salvo so we could all move together, but they said our report was too much of an outlier to engage." He sighed in frustration, giving Ria her chance to chime in. The other guardsmen listened to Ria's idea and once more, it was Tanson who spoke up. "It would be in poor taste for us to let you do that alone though. There's four of us and if we can get close enough, the station's snipers can help provide cover, so two of us could follow with you two, support you for the spells that take longer to cast." The corporal nodded. "This is supposed to be a joint operation, let us do our part." The other two Guardsmen looked nervous but nodded in agreement. The lead driver leaned out and looked at the Corporal who waved him on, and soon the caravan was moving again, though not before handing the two mages earpieces for communication that was less loud. The Corporal near the lead vehicle and the other three space appropriately to cover approach vectors, leaving the two mages to fill the gaps they felt needed them. [hr] [right]Rembrandt Township April 13, X903 Rembrandt Train Station [@Cello][@samreaper][@twave][@Joshua Tamashii][@LunarLord34][/right] About twenty minutes after the group reached the train station, a young girl, looking about 15 with bright red hair, sparling blue eyes, and skin just dark enough to appear she never burned in the sun arrived, escorted by a singular, though intimidating, Pergrande Soldier in infantry armor, rifle stowed, but hand resting on the pistol grip. She approached the group and appraised them all before nodding. "You all will do fine, since I'm just going home from a trip to my cousin's. Don't make any trouble for me and my daddy will make sure you all get paid handesomely." [hr] [right]Rembrandt Township April 13, X903 Rising Starborn Guildhall [@CitrusArms][/right] Each indicator that the new arrival gave only made Jenna's smile grow wider, minus the comment about D'Angelo, who was merely an observer and not yet a member, though she hoped that he would be soon. "Well, in order, the two with the caravan are indeed members of my guild, though D'Angelo is not yet one. He's gone with a group to observe what should be a rather dull job and I hope he does join us when all is said and done. But as for work...that's a bit up in the air. Rembrandt is something of a...unique situation within Pergrande and even that took years to build up. So work will vary heavily. We've had a slight increase in jobs working with guards after the recent lightning monster attack, we're helping to fill some of those holes, but most of the time, we help with gathering and deliveries."