It's not actually a full decision to lay her fingers on the keyboard again. And honestly, that should probably concern her, right? Seems to happen a lot? Decisions just makin' themselves, down in that heart? But also the music hasn't stopped yet, right? There's more yet to the dance. And so she dances on, heedless. … Why "heedless?" Heedless of what? Heedless is a strange choice of internal monologue, the censor insists-- An olive finger brushes her neck, shoots lightning through her spine, and she hurls herself into the dance with renewed vigor. Of course it was Hephaestus. No wonder that the universe is so different now from the time of knights--the gods themselves are different. Demeter herself takes on his aspects, subsumes him, becomes the craftsman--ha, the graftsman!--of life! And so it follows that noting can remain the same. Is he still around? No god can undo what another god has done, yes, but if one mortal can steal fire from the gods, certainly another should be able to do the same? Is Hephaestus dead? Consumed? Dormant? She's shining, brilliant, metallic, a blade--no, no, a [i]tool.[/i] She dances, gleaming, across the keys. New input! New information! More! What then, life? What happens then? Would that be better? To live in the age of knights--to live in the never-ending Portuguese? Smash the pyramid, return life to death--Life to Death, whispers the chortle in her ears--Could that work? Aphrodite. The purple strings dance her fingers clicka-clack so satisfying across the keyboard. Aphrodite, around since time began, around as Time. Desire. If he were imprisoned, what would that do? How would the universe change? A wish, a boon, a journey, a chance, the beat drumming in her ears like an earthquake, frantic, continuous, heedless, [i]thrum, thrum, thrum[/i]--