[center][h2]Tiny Nord[/h2] [h3]Icarus[/h3][/center] Oliver had been a bit of a back man in this, from the infiltration to getting onboard the blimp, and seeing everything in front of him. He slowly packed up behind them, and just sighed, fitting the panel back into it's spot. At this moment, he almost wished he had his heavier set of armor, it was meant to drop out of stuff and land, well, land once. It was an entirely other set to reload it to drop. His rifle aimed high, he thought for a moment, and stared, hydrogen, weren't they filled with hydrogen, it's a blimp. He was having an archer moment then, for it was likely filled in inert helium instead. Unless if some mad man wanted to replay out the Hindenburg. Oliver shrugged to himself; after all, that was a stupid thought; hell, there was probably hot-ass computers onboard, and with electricity, and hydrogen would be some kinda fucked up, up there. He stared up and around, then down at the vent, then sighed for a moment. "So question, this pressurized environment, do we know what kind of mixture it has, and do different compartments have different mixtures, specially those around the servers and special storage units?" he said in a low whisper, "also, what are we doing about those in front of us?" Outside of his set of armor, Oliver didn't think like a tank; he thought like a person with some pretty heavy personal armor on, and a bunch of extra equipment that he felt extremely unneeded at that moment, he just trained his sights down towards where voices could be heard, placing the green triangle about a half inch from the break in his vision from where the voices were heard, then slowly pushed his torso and rifle flush with what he was behind to possibly get eyesight without exposing too much of his own torso.