The small, green goblin scratched at her temple. There were a few things she wanted to really do here, finding alcohol to drink perhaps near the top of the list, and there seemed to be some easy way to do the majority of that list at the moment. "I don't plan on making a mess... Though, I don't know if I can read the writing here well. Or at all. Probably not." She COULD speak with this witch and her familiar so perhaps. Rita looked between Relki and Ilsa. "Could one of you... Show me something like "Alchemy for Dummies?" I wouldn't know where to start. I'll be out of your hair for a bit so you can do... Well, anything else you really need to do. Perhaps let me borrow... Let me have something to work with?" The goblin stood up to look a bit closer at the two. "I think I can forget about a familiar for now. I don't even know what mana is, really. Or how to use it, so I'll pass on that for now. Not that I'm not jealous of the both of you." She mentioned, not expanding on what exactly she was jealous of or anything. "But, uhh, yea. Help me learn Alchemy. Uh, please. I'll probably make myself useful if I can learn it. Sounds fun at least." She was hoping what Relki said about Ilsa was right and that she would be kind enough to begrudgingly help her start out with Alchemy. Otherwise, she was going to make herself at home and look for that book on her own... As difficult as that might be with her new, stunted height.