[hr][center][h3]Neir - Slums[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JhorTIT.png[/img] 《 Level 2 Panic 》 [@ERode][@TheMushroomLord][@PKMNB0Y][/center][hr] "What do they look like?" he repeated dumbly, to give himself time to think of an actual answer. "Umm..." [i]Would she just brush it off as a prank, or call me crazy? Do people tame monsters or keep them as pets? Do slimes have rights? What if she doesn't care? What if she thinks I've been raising monsters for something nefarious and decides I'm a criminal? What if...?[/i] Despite all the fantasy novels he'd read, or attempted to write for himself, and all the games he'd played, and all the memes...Ever since he'd found himself living out an isekai anime, two emotions had dominated his mind: Curiosity, and fear. Curiosity, because he could do freaking MAGIC, and send texts with his mind, and there were elves and catgirls here, and he had STATS so he could actually know if his efforts were being wasted or not... And fear, because he could not [i]trust[/i] anyone. The people he'd shown up in this world with? Not human. So how could he know they were from Earth, too? The first people he'd seen in this world? Vagabonds, addicts, the lowest wretches of society. He couldn't trust that kind of crowd back home, he sure as hell wasn't going to trust them here. He'd been attacked, and then saved, but he still couldn't trust those people either--He didn't [i]know[/i] them, or their society, they wanted information about him he wasn't willing to give, because he couldn't know what they might do with it. What they [i]might[/i] do. What [i]could[/i] happen. What if? What IF? That was why Connor was afraid. And now, he was afraid because [i]someone else[/i] was in danger. Someone he [i]did[/i] know. Someone who...had put [i]their[/i] trust in [i]him[/i], to help them because they were helpless. Connor clenched his fists and swallowed his fear. "They're...they're a Slime. Kind of translucent purple in color. Maybe with a, uh...floating eye-spot, inside them? But! But they're not a NORMAL slime!" He looked Meira in the eye, desperation clear on his face. "They can use Biomancy, so they're able to talk, a little bit, and understand human--I mean, uh, [i]people's[/i] speech!" Maybe that was revealing too much. What if it was a dead giveaway that they were--No. No, he needed to [i]help[/i]! "But they can't move very well without exhausting themselves, and they can't really see or anything--they'd be helpless if someone wanted to hurt them!" His voice cracked as his lip quivered. "P-please, h-help me f-find them!" [hr][hr] [hider=CONNOR'S DISCOVERIES][list][*]Acquired "Shitty Cloak!" [*]Acquired "Knife Bandolier!" [*]"Caliboard, the Holy 2x4." [*]Learned "Push!" [*]Learned "Cut!"[/list][/hider]