[center][h3]??? — Smithy[/h3][/center] Once the remaining undead were dealt with in equally unceremonious fashion, the trio would be free to explore what remained of the smithy. The door to the back room—where the actual smithing took place—was left slightly ajar, allowing for free passage through to what had once likely been the owner's heart and soul—figuratively, of course. Given how there didn't seem to be anything attempting to approach the group from within despite the chaos of the brawl that had just transpired, it seemed that the area was safe enough to explore without any fear. Or, well, fear of any undead striking from anything past the storefront. Past the scattered remains of the undead soldiers, though, it would be apparent that a majority of the goods here had been taken already by people long since gone. What remained were simple arms—spears and maces that had been left to rust, for example—and some leather pouches large enough to hold at least a few things. Whether they were on sale or were the former owner's belongings mattered little now, though, but bereft of any other goods as they were, it didn't [i]seem[/i] like they would provide much in terms of coinage. At the very least, though, they were better than nothing when it came to carrying what goods the trio had gathered around. The back room, lit by little more than the faint sunlight filtering in, would reveal a plethora of unfinished metalworks and unworked ingots, as well as a few well-worn tools mounted upon the wall. To explore further or take what goods they could and depart was a decision the three would be free to make at their own discretion. [@VitaVitaAR][@RolePlayerRoxas][@Aku the Samurai] [hr][center][h3]??? — Mosslit Cavern[/h3][/center] Despite what might have been an idea situation otherwise, finding a glint of metal in the sea of trees below would have been a nigh-impossible task—doubly so when the bird had already disappeared past the greenery in the distance, as Javal would have been privy to when he had barely caught sight of the creature disappearing before. To extrapolate any approximate distance based on their current position would have been a difficult task on its own, but at the very least the group would have a general idea [i]where[/i] the bird had gone based on that assumption alone. Whether they could estimate where, exactly, that was now that they had returned to the cave where they had awoken was another question entirely. Unfortunately enough, though, the cavern did not seem to provide the same level of safety as it had before they had left. While the sections closest to the exit were bereft of danger, any further forays inward—namely, towards where the chest was—would present the explorers with the presence of a large [i]griffin[/i] curled up in the center of the room. It seemed to be resting for the moment, head resting atop its forelimbs, but the presence of the creature was a concern on its own. [@Thunder999999][@Crimson Paladin][@Expendable]