[center][h1][color=#ffd700][b]Tristan Glory[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dqkP1Rw/Trist1.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Inventory][h3][u][b]Inventory[/b][/u][/h3] Pokedollars: $4,600 Pokeballs: 20 Premiere balls: 0 Potions: 1 Repel: 1 Camping gear Old and tattered Pokémon textbook (gifted by Nurse Joy) Moomoo Milk: 6 Allergy Medicine Emergency care kit (includes one multi-bristled brush, comb, tweezers, clippers, skin cream, compact mirror) Special Gear: Mystery Files (quest item) Ice stone: 1 [/hider][/center] [center][hider=On-Hand][u][b]Pokémon Team[/b][/u] [hider=King][b]King[/b] [img]https://projectpokemon.org/images/shiny-sprite/murkrow-f.gif[/img] Species: Darkness Pokémon Type: Flying/Dark Level: 12 Ability: Super luck (Increases the chance of critical hits by 1 stage.) Moveset: Peck: King uses its sharp beak to peck at the opponent. Astonish: King startles the opponent with a surprise attack. Pursuit: King chases down and attacks an opponent trying to flee. Feather Dance: King flutters its feathers to lower the opponent's attack. Haze: King releases a mist to eliminate all stat changes. [/hider] [hider=Princess][b]Princess[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/26/Spr_5b_447.png[/img] Species: Emanation Pokémon Gender: Female Type: Fighting Level: 9 Ability: Prankster (Gives priority to status moves) Moveset: Quick Attack: Princess lunges quickly to strike the opponent. Endure: Princess endures any attack with at least 1 HP remaining. Feint: Princess strikes with a swift attack that ignores the opponent's defenses. Metal Claw: Princess attacks with sharp claws made of metal. [/hider] [hider=Ace][b]Ace[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/f/fa/Spr_5b_255_m.png[/img] Species: Chick Pokémon Gender: Male Type: Fire Level: 11 Ability: Speed Boost (Boosts the speed stat by one stage at the end of every turn) Moveset: Scratch: Ace scratches the opponent with sharp claws. Growl: Ace growls to intimidate and lower the opponent's attack. Ember: Ace launches small flames to burn the opponent. Quick Attack: Ace delivers a swift attack before the opponent can react. Flame Charge: Ace charges at the opponent while cloaked in flames. [/hider] [hider=Angel][b]Angel[/b] [img]https://www.serebii.net/Shiny/SWSH/829.png[/img] Species: Flowering Pokémon Gender: Female Type: Grass Level: 11 Ability: Regenerator (Restores a little of the Pokémon's HP when withdrawn from battle) Moveset: Leafage: Angel attacks with sharp leaves. Sing: Angel sings a soothing melody to put the opponent to sleep. Sweet Scent: Angel releases a pleasant aroma to lower the opponent's evasion. Rapid Spin: Angel spins rapidly to deflect attacks and remove hazards. Increases spd by 1 stage. ???- [/hider] [hider=Sewaddle][b]Sewaddle[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/31/Spr_5b_540.png[/img] Species: Sewing Pokémon Gender: Male Type: Bug/Grass Level: 8 Ability: Chlorophyll (Doubles the speed stat during harsh sunlight) Moveset: Tackle: Sewaddle tackles the opponent with its body. String Shot: Sewaddle spews silk to bind and slow down the opponent. Bug Bite: Sewaddle bites the opponent with sharp mandibles. [/hider] [hider=Combee][b]Combee[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/0/03/Spr_4d_415_m_s.png[/img] Species: Tiny Bee Pokémon Gender: Male Type: Bug/Flying Level: 9 Ability: Hustle (Boosts the Pokémon's attack but lowers accuracy) Moveset: Sweet Scent: Combee releases a sweet aroma to attract opponents. Gust: Combee flaps its wings to create a gust of wind. Struggle Bug: Combee launches a weak bug-type attack that lowers the opponent's special attack. Bug Bite: Combee bites the opponent with sharp mandibles. [/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=PC][u][b]Pokémon Storage System[/b][/u] [/hider][/center] [hr] Tristan could be seen visably sweating, the grovyle's intimating presence and that insane speed was proving difficult for him to keep up with. A small relieving gasp left him upon witnessing king somehow narrowly dodging the attack, his flight certainly coming in clutch. Not that things became any easier; now racking his mind what to do as he saw the balls of green energy."[color=gold] Tsk. Q-quick! Fly up to create distance and dodge.[/color]" He shouted out, gritting his teeth, biting back a bout of panic threatening to overtake him. The distance should make dodging easier and give him a moment to try and think up something, but they had barely fought a proper opponent before and now this?! A frustrated groan, hand clenched as moved to speak with a nervous gulp." [color=gold]W-wait for an opening and..and try go for a peck![/color]" Tristan called out, unable to think up anything better and his frustration clear to see as the silver haired teen barely held himself together, for King's sake as the memory of Freya burned a vivid painful reminder.