[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/ydQRjSS/cooltext462476257658656.jpg[/img][/center] After her drink had been poured while awaiting in the pavilion for the Captain-Commander to give his speech, she would idly glance around to all of the amenities going on around her, mainly the food stalls that would every so often catch her glancing in their direction. Even though she was most definitely hungry while being made to wait, she thought it would be idiotic to try and sneak off to get food before hearing the speech from the Captain-Commander. Mostly keeping her hunger back, a frown did take shape on her face as she tried to make sure that she wouldn't make a fool of herself. To keep her focus off of the sweet smells of food, she decided to look around at the representatives for other squads that were here. She was able to quickly spot the woman from Squad Two whom she knew she wanted to speak with first as she had hoped they had taken notice of her capabilities while in the Academy and how she would very much fit in with them. They would have been mostly ideal for her but she did wonder also where she would better fit in. Asami never really had any goals past graduating the Academy so now she would be free to figure out what it is she wanted to do. As she continued to look through the other reps for the squads, her eyes seemingly couldn't be brought away from the guy who definitely had a 'weirdo' aura about him. She did wonder about his various piercings on his face but stopped thinking about it when she noticed he was seeming like he was laughing rather oddly which made her have a disgusted look on her face as she really thought he was pretty odd just from his behavior alone. Nearly all of the others seemed rather normal compared to him, even the Kenpachi of Squad Eleven was normal in Asami's mind. Her eyes did go wide when she had heard a voice come from the skies and looked around before seeing the Captain-Commander make his way into the pavilion. While she watched him with suspicious eyes, she did in the very least, did listen diligently to him when he spoke. She did feel a bit unnerved when he glanced around at all of the others and looking them in the eyes and when it got to hers, she surprisingly didn't feel off put by his gaze like she was expecting but did feel a bit empowered by it even though it was fairly obvious to her that he didn't seem like he wanted to be there. As she continued to listen to his words, she did feel a bit motivated by his words but was pretty disappointed by the end of it when he downed his bottle and burped pretty loudly. Asami's frown seemed to have gotten larger on her face after experiencing the burp that he provided. While disgusted by the action, she did still listen when he had said that they needed to take the opportunity to get to know the individuals here which Asami had been practically waiting for as the Captain-Commander had dismissed himself. As she moved to take a step toward the woman from Squad Two, she did pause for a moment, still fixated on the Captain from Squad Six and looked in his direction for a few moments longer than some people would have liked while having a very stonish look to her face as she stared at him. To most it would seem like she was fairly annoyed or trying to pick a fight with him but that was not the case as she seemed very wary of him and was unsure if she wanted to approach him first or not. Her hesitation surely couldn't have been noticed among the graduates considering how short she was compared to all of them but with one step toward his direction, she made her way over to the Captain of Squad Six even though she hadn't even given Squad Six a thought when compared to her capabilities. She did notice that most of the graduates seemed to avoid him and head toward squads they would be better fit for and she even became unsure herself as to why she felt drawn to him when she should be going to try and hopefully get in the good graces of Squad Two like she did plan to at the start of the whole thing. She knew for sure that her capabilities were better suited elsewhere but didn't want to waste the opportunity to know him and trust her gut, even though her gut was very wary of him the closer she walked to him. With a very flat look on her face as she stood in front of the Captain from Squad Six, she very quickly gave a bow before saying, [color=a187be]"My name is Asami, sir."[/color] She said very bluntly and almost harshly as she spoke, still keeping her personality that she chose to take on still up while she was very much on guard in front of the man in front of her.