[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/k4FDSGt/Add-a-heading-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] ________________________________________________ Eye of the beholder [quote][color=337d71]“Very well. I am eternally grateful for your support.”[/color] He held his warm diplomatic smile as he locked eyes with her, bowing his head slightly in a show of respect. [color=337d71]“We can assign guards to your cargo. The Lunarians here know the mountain paths well and can ensure their safety. In fact, I will speak with Lord Coswain, who arrived yesterday. He should be able to assist you in this matter.”[/color] He glanced toward the Lunarian guards scattered among tables in the tavern. Though fewer in number than the Aurelian guards, they were valuable for their knowledge of the land. He would send a mixture of Lunarian and Aurelian guards with each cargo train—the Aurelian guards would need to learn the ways from their new Lunarian brothers. [color=337d71]“I do have one requirement, however, if you are to live here.”[/color] he stated, returning his emerald eyes to her red ones. [color=337d71]“We will have a formal interview before I allow it.”[/color] He studied her for a moment, letting his request sink in. [color=337d71]“We must discuss… your condition.”[/color] he said, gesturing to her and meaning her obvious transformation into a blight-born. Although she was the Lady of Durnatel, she did not simply get a pass without having to go through the same scrutiny that all the rest did. The aura she gave off was intimidating, especially with those piercing eyes staring at him, but he did not let her appearance deter him. Ivor had been just as intimidating, if not more so, yet he had assimilated into their society quite well. If the Lady could control the last large town from Dawnhaven while maintaining proper behavior and continuing supply trades, it would be ideal. [/quote] The marble colored woman sat there and listened intently to the Prince. The mask near flawless except for the slight flex of her jaw at the mention of an [i]'interview'[/i]. 'Discuss your condition'... her [i]condition[/i]? He wanted no, insisted to talk to her about her condition? Was it a game to him?! Sitting there all warm and rosy cheeked, breathing, ...alive like it allowed him the right to poke the demon across from him in such an open venue. Her eyes gave the slightest of squints. Was this his plan? Was it why he was meeting her here? Caging her in the trappings of decorum? Did he really think it would keep him safe? It would, but inside she seethed hearing the voice of her father telling her how she was just out maneuvered at least in this matter. No... her people [i]needed[/i] this alliance. He was the ruler of this land and his word was law, just as Olivia's was in her domain. If this fell apart now, then people would suffer, loose hope, and she would never again gain access to see Sya. He had agreed to the trade and even guards for their protection. The cost for troops was a steep one so that alone had made the negotiations a success. Now her people would have work and trade to sell their wares. Olivia committed the name Lord Coswain to memory. Keeping herself so isolated in her domain over the many years had cost her dearly in networking, and information. The lady had no memory of ever hearing that name at court while her father ruled. The pale lady's mood was only tempered by the thoughts of her beloved Sya. Olivia did have the two coachmen but against a blight borne they would be of little true value so kidnapping her treasure was a definite no. The ruby eyed woman knew tearing her from the tavern was impossible as well. Olivia found herself bound by invisible chains and Sya was the base. The Lady detested his request. Knowing anything about her condition would weaken her and who was to say the prince could be trusted to keep his tongue? What if more persuasive persons were to gain the knowledge. [color=a187be]"I am grateful for your time in these matters as I am sure you are quite busy. I understand. It is your right, I will not go into detail in this setting my [i]many[/i] reservations on that caveat. I would respectfully ask you reconsider your position. For now I would be disinclined to acquiesce your request. I apologize for not being able to be more, gracious to you in that regard."[/color] Her tone was still like a the surface of a reflecting pond. The woman's face was the faint hint of a smile. She would not be that easy to rest her throat in his talons, no it would take more than that. He was the prince to the king, yet he was far from home, so many dark things lived in the forest. Who would be able to say which one made the final blow. No... Nothing like that she told her dark self. She may have done things for her people but his death would not be among them. There would be another opportunity to gain a foot hold in Dawnhaven. Olivia would just have to be patient and wait for an opportunity to manifest. [quote]Word would likely get out fast now that Olivia had revealed herself to the people of Dawnhaven, but she would be protected under Dawnhavens sanctuary. If the Lady of Durnatel could behave herself, Flynn, at least, would keep his mouth shut. [color=337d71]“Can you stay another day? I have much to attend to today. We can have our interview tomorrow, perhaps?”[/color][/quote] [color=a187be]"You do me much honor with more of your time."[/color] She gave a slight bow of her head to him for the generosity. "[color=a187be]May I have the particulars of our next meeting? For the discussion of the convoy details, at least. Then we may revisit possible conditions for developing a private retreat home for myself here in Dawnhaven. I wouldn't be opposed to paying you directly of course for the privilege. Your tavern..."[/color] She motioned to the room about her, [color=a187be]"while ..charming, lacks certain amenities, most of all rooms for extended durations." [/color] She would rise and curtsy meekly, after prince Astaros had given his reply and taken his leave of her, holding her smile as she bowed her head slightly. The second he turned his back to her she would motion for the two coachmen to follow as she walked briskly up the stairs. At the top she had the two move into their room. Her face a clear pout. [color=a187be]"It seems we have much to do, or rather I do. The two of you will take the carriage and return home. I will send word to Jaylen later in a very long letter. I thank you for your service to me."[/color] Without warning she bowed her head to them. As quickly as she could the Lady returned to her room and shut the door having little patience she used her shadow leap and poofed out of her dress to a few feet away. A feat Olivia had to learn how [i]not[/i] to do when she moved about in that manner. It was quite the incentive to honing one of her powers. The ruby eyed monster wasted no time in donning the common trappings of brown blouse top and black ankle skirt. The knee high boots and simple black hair tie before fetching the big black bear cloak. she didnt wait to tidy the room or place things back in the chest. No she needed to get out into the town and find a dry good store, a courier, and Sya. Alex looked at his brother and sighed both still standing in the room. [color=82ca9d]"Well brother we seem to be done with this job for our Lady. Looks like we will need to go back. Though without her protection we might need to quicken our pace a bit."[/color] He smirked at his brother who smirked back shaking his head. [color=f7976a]"I guess so.. Glad we stayed for breakfast."[/color] John said with a shrug of his shoulders. [color=f7976a]"Ill get the horses you do a carriage check. If we rush back we can make it in a few days. The horse should be well rested for the journey back."[/color] By the early afternoon they would be turning their back on Dawnhaven and the monster they had brought to their door step. Wile John gave a look back from inside the plush carriage, Alex said a silent prayer for the town peoples fortunes. Olivia would venture into the town and search for the dry goods store, stopping to inquire from a guardsmen as to where to purchase writing material and the location of a courier. She stayed under the black cloak deep inside her cave not even to look out to see his face. She was alone now and felt nervous, but not for her own safety. Interactions/mentions [/b], Sya, Royal Guard of Lunaris: Adonis Cowain [@PrinceAlexus], Prince Astaros [@The Muse] [/b] Lord Coswain [@PrinceAlexus], Courier: Willis Philips [@BOOM]