[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Early Morning[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya gave a slightly flicker of thoughts before she decided how to reply, she thought the hint, would that even still work? Sya felt like further blightborn evolution was going to happen at some stage, just a strange feeling that something was affecting her. Dripping that one Sya almost did not want to taste such things to know what she lost and what she could never really enjoy. Her whole body rejected things that used to keep it alive, sunlight was…well gone, Sya felt the night was almost like home, her vision gave her the ability to function without pause even if the darkness faded into an almost different spectrum of light. Only under light of fired etc did colours properly resolve and come to life, the rest was shades of the lack of it. [color=c4df9b] “Fun. I remember getting in so much trouble for that”[/color] Sya giggled and smiled showing she was blighted, but still a woman who had not given up her desires. [color=c4df9b]“A handsome stable lad during the harvest celebrations.” [/color]Sya remembered the happy moment that she tried to not let the darkness take hold of. … [color=c4df9b]“Don't worry, I have enough gold. Can run a test menu and see how much return i see, you really might be overestimating what we have!”[/color] Sya said but with no harshness, Becky seemed rather cheerful vs the other Lunarians she had met, they seemed more dour but Becky was more a bright glowing fire of energy and good emotions. [color=c4df9b] “Where I grew up, we were lucky to get them at the Lord's feast. But we brewed some really good local Shine of Selene. We traded it pretty widely in borders. ”[/color] Becky had obviously grown up and lived in a far more prosperous place than Sya and would not hold it against her, her lover was a noble lady but had so far just wanted intimate companionship and mutual treatment of each other. Sya lack of a coat was not a issue to her, cold weather never had been an issue and just stayed in her tavern attire, the long skirt kept the wind off but did not have heavy fabrics, magnetic for comfort when winter really hit but this was a balmy day for a blightborn. [color=c4df9b] “it will be fine.”[/color] Sya waved her worry off and began to head out the eye, the fire burner almost constantly and they had now burned down yet. [color=c4df9b]“A large hot spring, natural, has a public and more private area. It feels really nice to just stretch out in the water. It's a luxury for sure. your skin feels so much better and aches all vanish..”[/color] She said with a soft sigh. Sya held no such fear of the dark and strode out into the night with no apprehension, she had at least two knives on her though and was hardly helpless. She blinked and soon adapted to the changing light as the whole world resolved into grey shadas far into the distance. [color=c4df9b]“I'm sweet ernough I'm sure.”[/color] Sya said with a cheeky statement, she was feeling more like her old self, unsure how that was a thing. [color=c4df9b] “Relax, I can see perfectly, just all..greyish bluey green”[/color] Sya said, hooking an arm with Becky seeing as she was less sure so they would not get separated. Sya waved To Ivor, seeing him with a whole tree and spoke in a more guttural and harsher mix of border languages with Lunarian, Auralian and other loaned words.[color=c4df9b] “Good morning, There's a big town clan meet, moon. Half way. Western sky. You might not have got and too few of us know this one, If you have spare firewood, I might need more, we have a baker to support Hunter Ivor.”[/color] Sya said to him and gestured to Becky next to her before she turned to lead them to the marketplace, much as it was one. Sya sounded almost more natural in that version than the common tongue as she had spoken the border language since she was a babbling baby. Sya was comically smaller than the giant woodsman though she had come to know his massive size was not intending harm to those maliciously. Sya had no fear as she wound her way about to the stalls and traders set up in the early morning. Flicking torches lit the wares and lamps of various kinds. [color=c4df9b]“So, what do you think Becky? Anything you can work with?. The hot spring that way, post office is the tall structure, umm.. the postmaster is…Embrkin, however Pilades…is an acquired taste”[/color] Sya said with all honesty, he was perfectly hospitable but very much you liked him or you hated him. She waved a hand to the market, it was not at its most busy but traders were already setting up and coins were already changing hands.[color=c4df9b] “Lead on, its a adventure.” [/color] [@amorphical][@SkeankySnack]