[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240725/47e4c8517bf2321ad38e78679e6d72e6.png[/img][/center] He munched on some meat as he listened to the Big Boss speech, a stick with different food between each finger, he was saying something about growing stronger which he appreciated. But when it reached the part about socializing he lost interest, how did one even get to know others? So far most of the people he knew he had met after he kicked their asses or they kicked his, but he had been told this area was not for that so he was confused. That wasn't even the biggest problem, earlier when he had been [abbr=stuffing his mouth in]tasting[/abbr] every stall he had overheard some punks talking about using the opportunity to meet the captain of the squad they wanted to join. Now, Yuto knew he was not the smartest knife in the shed(?) but even he had thought about the future, somewhat, from time to time, like maybe 3 times total. And on one of those occasions his thought had landed on the squads, where would be better? Which squad would allow him to lay off and have good fights? After careful consideration he gave up and went to fulfill an errand to Division 11 grounds. Sometimes things just work out by themselves. Like right now, he could spy Nakajima making her way toward the guy with the mask, the senior who kicked his teeth in said that he was a good fit for the 11th squad and there was one way to check. Making his way he took a bite from some of the dango on one of his sticks, approaching he managed to hear Nakajima saying something. [quote=Nakajima] [b]"...what are you looking for in those who join the Eleventh?"[/b] [/quote] Aha! An exchange, he was familiar with those. Although it was usually weaklings trying to join his 'protection group' and not the other way around. [color=ed1c24]"Yo!"[/color] He sent her a wave before focusing on the tall man, swallowing the dango in his mouth he continued [color=ed1c24]"I am also interested in joining."[/color]