[center][h3][color=92278f]Goten[/color][/h3][/center] Every graduation felt the same. "How many people have you killed? Why do you wear a mask? What's your Bankai?" It was like a Fanclub meeting more than actual recruitment most of the time, but Goten answered each question diligently, almost as if rehearsed. He lost count. Medical condition. He doesn't have a Bankai, a lie clear as day. Ageha would catch his attention out of everyone, due to her clear and direct question. He held up one hand. [b][color=92278f]"No need for the formalities, we're here to celebrate [i]you[/i] after all."[/color][/b] His hand lowers as he scans the people surronding them. [color=92278f][b]"As for your question, I believe everyone here could learn from Ageha how you should be looking to interact with a Captain. Look to gain information to help [i]you[/i]."[/b][/color] The Captain turned his attention back to Ageha ([@Psyker Landshark]) fully. [color=92278f][b]"Truth be told, this is the easiest Squad to join. So, what am I looking for? Strength above all else and the willingness to fight. The most basic requirement. However, all those that are Seated within my squad fight for [i]something[/i]. Something they'll use to ultimately help them surpass me and kill me to become the next Kenpachi. That is the nature of this Squad, after all."[/b][/color] The Kenpachi turned his attention to Yuto ([@Teyao]). [color=92278f][b]"So, do you have that in you? Because if not, I hope you find it. Something to separate you from the rest of the dead meat in this Squad, otherwise you're just more fodder for the front lines. That's as blunt as I can tell you."[/b][/color] Goten would observe the two for a reaction. Ageha, she said her name was. Headstrong and brave, it seemed. Yuto, the runt who picked a fight with a squad eleven member and didn't back down. Most Squad Eleven Captains had the reputation of brutes, but Goten was very observant, therefore nothing went unnoticed within his own barracks.