[b]Yuki![/b] When the tablet shows a new message at breakfast, you nearly knock over the chai while trying to check it. It's just you and a Nagi maid in here, for now, and not a maid-knight either: just a girl about your age by the name of Pasenne who's handling setting the breakfast table and bringing dishes over. (A seven-course breakfast- expect nothing less from Sulochana.) The Princess herself is still finishing up attending to her morning routine: hair wax, scale cream, killer eyeliner, a facial scrub followed by sunscreen, and then putting her hair up in an elaborate set of braids. That means Pasenne (and the private chef in the other room) are the only possible witnesses to you fumbling for the tablet and nearly spilling your drink all over yourself. But it's fine! You've got it! And... >[.praxispacksis] >I am so, so sorry about what happened last night!! >I won't be able to talk much, but... >Is Sulochana okay? I heard from Mekesh that she fought with the Khatun, and... >Do you think she'll be angry with me if I DM her?? >And are YOU okay?? Also, unrelated to Juniper's guilty worry, palpable through the screen, a different message pops up. >[.rockamt] >Hey, squirt. Something's come up. I'm covering the Civil meeting this morning, but I need your help with an investigation. Think you can swing by so we can talk? >Also, bring bruise cream if you've got it. I'm out. (There's a non-zero chance that she'll pull you into private and strip so that you can slather it onto hard-to-reach places to soothe and heal bruises, let me be clear. Not in a flirting way, just in a "shit, can you get this for me?" sort of way. Right? Not swooning at the thought, are we?) [hr] [b]Tsane![/b] "...sending the Hero of Ages against the Mansion of the Dragons is [i]unprecedented,[/i] Mason." "So is a blatant attack against the Goddess in broad starlight, in the middle of a disruption of the proper order that the Stars had to mend! We do not know to what degree they are involved in this, to what degree they may have had a part in causing it, and to what degree they plan to take advantage of it!" "Permission to interject?" "Granted." "It is precisely because we do not know that we cannot open a war on two fronts at this time, Brother Mason." "We do not have a first front to begin with, Sister Emella. Despite the ill-conceived actions at last night's event, which the goddess was prevented from addressing due to Eclair Espoir's attack, the Khaganate is still under the guidance of the Church. Notably, no Khaganate member attempted to assault the Goddess last night." "Counterpoint." "Granted." "Brother Mason, it is time for us to recognize that the western monasteries are at risk of being suborned by the Khaganate, if they have not already been. We will have time to reach out, formally make a complaint, and if necessary make disciplinary moves towards the Order of the Aurora if they are, in any organized way, involved in this event. The Golden Fawn's theft by Aestivali [i]ashiqs[/i] is far more pressing, and we must face the fact that we may see open war between the Khaganate and the Aestivali High Council. We must make it clear that we disapprove in the strongest terms the disorder and misrule we saw last night at the feet of the very Goddess herself." "Secretary, may I respond?" "Granted. Brother Oli, you will then have the floor for the Highcrag Temples' delegation response to these issues." "As the Goddess once said herself in the Third Incarnation, at times attempting to circumvent a coming event merely brings it to fruition..." It's going to be like this for a while. The Kel haven't really made their rhetorical thrust yet (see Oli there, adjusting his spectacles and bouncing a little on his heels, eager to make the case that his delegation has agreed upon), but there's definitely a shearline through the assembled group on whether the Khaganate or the Order of the Aurora is the true threat that deserves to have Heron pointed at them. Do you happen to have any opinions on the matter yourself? (Civelia is slowly disassembling the Sleepless Charm with her bare fingers. Motes of starlight float up and rest against her skin like reverse snowflakes. This is inefficient, entropic, and yet she seems to have something very deliberate in mind.) [hr] [b]Kalentia![/b] So this is a Lunarian, then. Slight of frame. Willowy, even. Skin so pale that the intricate branching blue veins underneath it look like swirls in porcelain. The cut is all the more severe for contrast. Her severe bob of green-black hair was cut with absolute precision, but it's clear that she hasn't taken the helmet off to care for it in some time. Her fingers are long and slender. If Tsane were here she would likely be scribbling frantically, adding to the world's sum total of knowledge about these famous isolationists. You, instead, are focused on the task of figuring out what sort of poultice would work on this injury that when she closes her fingers around your wrist, it's a complete surprise. "[i]Yaguka-omehi[/i]?" Her voice is weak and [i]painfully[/i] aching with longing, but her eyes are bleary, right on the edge of waking and understanding. [i]"oto-oloroametinakamato, oku-umetekiniqitoma..."[/i] The way she glides her thumb, gingerly, along your hand is the kind of thing that you were once super incredibly prepared for Heron to do to you. And then her eyes open a little more, and a dark nictitating membrane flicks across them, and when it retracts she snatches her hand back like she suddenly realized that you were actually a goblin-bear made out of angry bees which were also Miaou-worshippers wreathed in the unholy fires of the underworld. Her cheeks flush indigo. "...you are the mistaking of being before me," she says, hoarsely. "You are the, the, [i]ika-tanatafekuixa,[/i] disallowing, unauthorization, the..." If she gets overexcited then that is likely to make inflammation worse. As far as you know! Maybe their bodies are so different that it speeds the healing process! But down here, with the kind of people you're familiar with, that will make things worse if her heartrate and breathing spike like this. [hr] [b]Eclair![/b] Ruthmoreness being who she is, three things happen. Firstly: the corner of the book's spine smacks her right in the middle of the forehead, sending her head back and the book straight up. Secondly: Ruthmoreness's heels go out from under her and she sits down on the ground hard. Thirdly: the book succumbs to the idea of weight and hits her right on the head again. "Owwwww," she whimpers, rubbing at her forehead, even as with her other hand she fumbles it open. "Ma'am, I'm owed a forfeit for [i]that[/i]." And that is... arguable! The sort of statement that would make other members of the Order, were they around, chime in either out loud or in their body language. On the one hand: you have acted in anger towards one of your fellow maids, knowing that once matters had left your hand, you were no longer in control of their trajectory. On the second hand: it is on Ruthmoreness, especially as a junior member and one only recently permitted to leave on missions, to have the necessary poise to catch the book out of midair. On the foot, it is unworthy to challenge a fellow maid in their weakness unless you are intending to assist in improvement. She drops next to you in a clatter and shows you her strength in turn, her eyes wide and soft, her ears cocked just so, her smile crooked just the right way. "Won't you make it better, ma'am?" She holds up her bangs to show you exactly where you can perform the Ritual of Mending a Minor Hurt with your lips. She's well within her rights to claim that as a forfeit, if indeed her forfeit was rightful in the first place. Out here, though, your comaids are not here to witness and weigh in. It is on you to uphold the standards of the Mansion. And it is up to you how you respond to her retort, which places you on the back foot in the Great Game. Certainly, you are a formidable piece, but if Ruthmoreness was not willing to make her plays where she saw the opportunity, she would not be in the Mansion to begin with. To wit: you may give her that ritual kiss and a String, or you may spurn her and slide further into your own isolation. [hr] [b]Hazel![/b] "Oh, well, see?" Mel pouts as the Serigalamu touches his hat in apology. "Sorry for that. I'm Jaks--" "[i]OHOHOHOHOHO,[/i] do you not know who you see in front of you?!" Purnima Karn-Pana's voice bursts out over the crowd, and already the crowd's stirring into movement, trying to get out of the way of her... chariot?! Yes, a Nagi-designed chariot, pulled by three mismatched goblin-deer, each one with golden paint on their antlers. Long-suffering guards, at least one of which is definitely Gemes, follow in her wake. "That's right! Out of the way! I must be off to Aestival at [i]once![/i] Fear not, my loyal citizens, your compliance will be remembered when I come into my power and glory! Some of you will likely be fortunate enough to come to our wedding!" She is. Definitely coming your way. You'll most likely have to Defy Disaster here one way or another, unless you want your little adventure to end in her coils. And you wouldn't want that, would you? Whether you want that or not, Amali is definitely prodding you with her foot, trying to get you to leap into action.